CHAPTER FOUR - Welcome to the posse

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A/N: Dedicated to @NickUskoski for helping me out so fast. That was awesome!

Important: He doesn't accept review/read requests so don’t ask him.


Alex POV

“Allie!” I heard Tara calling me. Her group had taken to addressing me like that because, just like my parents, they thought “Alex” was too masculine and, like one of the guys from the posse said, “not suitable for someone so cute”. I never actually thought of myself as “cute” but oh, well…

“Hey, girl! What’s up?”

“Nothing new.” She shrugged then her smile fell from her freckled face. “How was detention?” She questioned dubiously.

“Interesting,” I replied with a smirk. She answered me with a confused look, but before I could explain more, I heard Humpbag mispronouncing my name again.

“Ms. Atanasova! Detention!”

“Why? I just got here! I haven’t done anything…”

Yet,” I added in my mind.

“Because of your behavior yesterday after classes. That is why: detention!”

I opened my mouth to protest, but then an idea came to my mind so I abandoned my initial tactic and went for another course of action.

“Well, if you want to spend more extracurricular time with me that badly…” I trailed off smiling impishly. I saw the teacher’s face pale before he cleared his throat.

“As I was saying before you interrupted me,” he began although we both knew I hadn’t cut him off, “detention… is to be given to you if such behavior continues.” He finished, turning on his heal and heading for his classroom.

“What was all that about?” Tara asked and led the way to our lockers. We were happy to find out that they were close to each other.

“I pissed him off yesterday, so he kicked me out of detention.” I filled her in briefly.

You got kicked out of detention yesterday?! And today you threatened your way out of one?”

I just shrugged nonchalantly, looking around, searching for one person in particular. But instead of him, I found his cute best friend rummaging through his locker.

“Hey, Angel!” I greeted and the boy answered me with a friendly smile.

“Hi, Alex! Got to warn you: Humpbag is looking for you and he seems furious.”

“Yeah, I already saw him.”

“Oh!” He exclaimed, no doubt taken aback by my unperturbed demeanor. “Did you get another detention?”


“How did you arrange that?”

“I asked nicely.” I gave him a playful wink and left with Tara on my trail.

“You seem to be getting pretty popular.” She remarked.

“You mean Angel? He’s a nice guy.”

“I know. But the people he hangs around with... Take Tyson Williams for example.”

“Oh, I’ll take him on as soon as he gets better!” I thought, while still listening to the redhead who walked beside me.

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