CHAPTER TWENTY-EIGHT - My reason to smile

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A/N: The two characters I mention here – Nathaniel and Vallery, are a part of my story Hunt Me Down. It's completed and available on Wattpad. The link is given as an External Link.


Tyson POV

I was working at the service-station along with Big Joe and a boy named Raiden, who was a couple of years younger than me. Jimmy would sometimes joke (to my resentment) that if Angel and I were to have a child it would be like Raiden. What he meant by it was that the boy's character was pretty much a mix of that of my best friend's and mine.

Raiden preferred to keep things about himself private just like me, but he wasn't completely shutting people out and was polite to them like Angel; he was a bit short-tempered and yet sometimes he would make the most rational decisions even in his anger; he liked to dance (again like Angel) but was pretty good with cars (again just like me)... So, yeah... The boy was like a cross between us.

Probably why we got on well.

I was just finishing up one of the cars when I got a phone call.

"'Sup, ex-hubby!" Yep, every now and then since the baby project ended I'd be the "ex-hubby".

"Hey, Alex!" I decided to ignore the way she'd addressed me.

"So, about hanging out at Angel's tonight..." She started. His mom was working and the little ones were all going over to someone's house for a sleepover so the two of us were invited to keep him company.

"Alex's not going to cancel is she?"

I hoped that wasn't why the brunette was calling.

"Want me to swing by the station and pick you up?" She continued after what seemed to me like an eternity.

"Pick me up? With what? You don't have a car."

"Oh, I'm using Kev's."

"So your cousin was still in town? I haven't seen him since that day at your place."

"When he interrogated me about us," I added in my mind.

"Nah, he left, but the car stayed. So what do you say? Should I swing by?"

"Yeah, sure. I'll be done in about an hour."

"Cool! See you then!"

And she hung up. I put away my phone and felt someone's gaze on me.

Raiden was looking at me with a slight smirk on his face.

"What is it, Raiden?" I asked the younger boy.

"So... Alex."

Oh, no, not him as well! Jimmy and Joe were making more than enough insinuations about us, I didn't need one more person to do so. And it wasn't in the boy's style to joke around like that anyway.

"What about her?" I asked, irritation clear in my voice.

"Why don't you two date?" He asked evenly.

Here we go again! How come every single one of my coworkers thought I should be dating Alexandra?

"Why should we?" I asked aloud, opening the hood to one of the cars I was working on today. It was a bright pink Mitsubishi Eclipse that had been to our service-station before. I knew I'd fixed the problem the last time and had the sneaking suspicion that the car's owner – a teenage blonde dressed solely in a color to match her vehicle, brought it here just so she could flirt with me.

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