CHAPTER SEVEN - Put some pants on

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Tyson POV

Alex was changing in the bathroom, leaving me to stand alone and ponder whether I should sleep only in my boxers like I usually did or keep my jeans on. Thinking that I’m not going to be comfortable in jeans (and more important: that Alex will mock me if I keep them on), I decided to go for the former. Unbuttoning them, I quickly slipped the dark blue fabric off and jumped into the bed, covering myself with the light comforter. A moment later Alex came in wearing a Guns N Roses t-shirt that was several sizes too big for her small frame. It reached mid thigh and the collar was so wide that it slid slightly over her left shoulder. From what I could tell she wasn’t wearing any pants. Not even shorts.

“You seem to have forgotten part of your clothing,” I stated coolly.

“Ha, ha!” Was her sarcastic reply.

“Are you going to sleep in only that?” I persisted. It would be really distracting having her pants-less in the same bed. Hell, that would be distracting even if she had a whole bunch of clothes on her!

“That is what I usually sleep in.” She grinned wickedly at me. “Does it bother you?”

“Don’t care.”

“Mhmm.” She didn’t look convinced by my statement as she climbed into bed and snuggled under the comforter.

My comforter.

I froze.

“What are you doing?” I shot out a bit too quickly.

“What does it looks like I’m doing?” She asked irritated. “I’m tucking myself in.”

“Why with my comforter?”

“Because it’s the only one in the room,” she stated with a duh voice.

I lifted my head up and scanned the bedroom. Nope, no other comforter in sight!

“Why didn’t you get another one?” I queried.

“Because I completely forgot about you when I was taking it from Angel’s room.”

“Idiot,” I muttered.

“Hey, I’m letting you share the comforter I got for myself; show some appreciation!”

“Appreciation? Here, take it all! I don’t need it!” I stated, tucking myself out of the covers and pushing them towards her.

“Well, the view definitely improved,” she purred.

I looked at Alex in confusion. Then I saw the way she was watching me. Or to be more specific, the area including my abs. I remembered I was lying in the bed next to her in only my boxers. Suddenly I felt self-conscious and heat flooded my cheeks. I wasn’t one to blush, but for some reason the way this girl was taking my body in made me glad that she had turned off the lights when she came in the room. The light from outside was enough for her to still see me, but not to register the fact that my face was getting redder by the minute. That was if she ever bothered looking away from my body and at my face instead.

“How long do you plan on staring?” I croaked out.

“How long do you plan on standing only in your boxers?” She teased.

“You’re a slut, Alex,” I stated, covering myself with the comforter once again and turning my back to her. I heard her chuckle quietly before she said:

“Sweet dreams, Tyson!”

There was softness in her voice and I could not figure out why her mood had altered so quickly. It was a pleasant change though.

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