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A/N: “Ne” means “No”.



Tyson POV

It was still dark when I woke up, with just enough light for me to realize I wasn’t in my room. I looked around and noticing Alex’s sleeping form it all came back to me: the Ring, the fight with the twins and a couple of their friends afterwards, the gun, how the girl found me in the park, brought me here to her place and tended to my wounds.

She wasn’t kidding before when she said she was good at it!

Suddenly I heard her move and mutter something. I looked at her face and froze: she looked absolutely frantic.

“Ne.” She raised her voice. “Ne, ne, ne!” Her voice was getting louder and louder and sounded more panicked by the second.

“Boris, ne! Ne! Ne! Ne! Ne! Boris! Ne!” She started screaming and trashing around, falling off the bean bag and on to the ground. But she still didn’t wake up. “Boris! Boris! Ne! Ne!”

“Alex, open your eyes!” I shook her roughly. I couldn’t even remember getting off the bed and coming to her side. Now I was the one loosing my nerve. “Alex! WAKE UP!”

“Ne, ne, Boris! Ne… NEEEE!” With one final shout she shot up to a sitting position and opened her eyes. Her gaze was distant as if she still wasn’t in touch with reality.

“Alex…” I was surprised at how my voice sounded both worried and gentle at the same time.

“Tyson?” She turned to face me. She looked so… crushed.

Next thing I knew, I held her tightly in my arms, rocketing her gently back and forth, while running my hands soothingly over her back.

“Tyson…” She called tiredly after we had stayed like that for only God knows how long. “Tyson, you’re injured. You should rest.”

“I’m fine, Alex!” I didn’t want to let her go; she seemed so fragile right now that if I did, she’d probably break.

“No, you’re not! Go back to bed!”

“Only if you come with me.”

“I’m fine here. I don’t think I would be able to sleep anymore anyway…”


“Tyson,” she cut me off, “just go and rest. I’ll be…”

But before Alex could finish, I lifted her up and carried her to bed, ignoring my body’s painful protest. I knew I’d need to take it easy for quite a while in order to have my wounds heal properly, but I couldn’t care less about that right now. I carefully placed the girl’s small, shivering body on the bed then lay down next to her, hugging her close once more. She didn’t try to break free from my grasp as I expected her to. Instead, she snuggled closer, wrapping her arms around me as well.

“Sweet dreams, Tyson!” She wished me quietly.

“Dreamless night, Alex!”

And I kissed her on the top of her head.


Alex POV

I woke up securely wrapped in Tyson’s arms. I felt so ashamed! I had let him see me at my weakest. It was hard enough to control the thoughts about my brother when I was awake, but it was completely impossible to do so when I was dreaming. It all came back full force then.

Here We Go Again ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora