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Tyson POV

The car ride to Angel’s had been silent. I felt uneasy due to my new discovery: I liked Alex and I wanted her to be mine.

But the question still remained: how do I say that to her?

Sensing that I was restless, the brunette had kept her mouth shut… at least until she parked her cousin’s car in front of Angel’s house.

“So… Wanna tell me what’s going on?” She suggested, angling her body in my direction.

“Nothing’s going on,” I lied without gazing at the brunette and tried to unbuckle my seatbelt, but she placed her hand over mine to stop me. That made me lift my eyes towards her face; she was frowning at me.

“Tyson, when I walked into the service-station, you and what’s his name…”

“Raiden,” I automatically filled her in.

“Yeah, him… You were just saying to him “it’s no business of any of you” and now you look jumpy. So don’t tell me that there’s nothing wrong; I’m not buying it.”

I groaned. I knew I couldn’t fool Alex, but I didn’t want to disclose my feelings to her now. I mean, blurting “I want you” out of the blue wasn’t really going to score me some points with the girl. Or maybe it was… This was Alex after all and she had proven herself to be blatantly honest at times, so maybe just telling her the truth would do the trick.

I tilted my head to the side and studied her face. The frown was gone, replaced by an expectant and perhaps a little bit anxious expression. But what stuck out the most was determination; she was going to get to the bottom of this regardless of how much I tried to hide it.

So yeah, I might as well confess right now. I opened my mouth and said:

“The thing that Raiden and I were discussing back there…” I took a deep breath, “… it’s a guy thing so I’m not telling you about it,” I ended, my confidence level decreasing and my courage failing me.

She narrowed her eyes and it was now her turn to examine my face.

“Fine then!” She stated, but I could see she was anything but fine with it. “Maybe you could discuss it with Angel later.”

“Yeah, maybe…” I trailed off as she took her hand off mine. Both of us unbuckled our seatbelts and we got out of the car. I heard a few short beeps as Alex pressed a button on the remote and turned the alarm on. The two of us walked in silence with me trying not to give anything away while the girl didn’t even bother to hide the fact she was still studying me. Just as we reached the front door, it opened and an average height brunette hurriedly exited through it. A smile bloomed on her tired face and her blue eyes, the same as Angel’s, lit up when she saw us.

“Here you two are!” My best friend’s mom exclaimed stepping to the side so we could move around her. “The little ones are having a sleepover at their friends’, Angel already ordered pizza, the emergency numbers are on the fridge and if there’s anything wrong call me,” she blurted out. “Now I really have to go, my shift starts in half an hour,” the woman smiled once more then speed walked to her car. “Have a good time but don’t do anything stupid!” She shouted as she got into the vehicle, ready to drive off to her second job probably with just a few hours of rest after coming back from her other employment.

“Have a nice day… err… night at work!” Alex shouted after her. “I hope she gets good tips,” she added, this time talking to me.

“Well,” I started as the two of us entered the house, “tonight she’s working at the 24/7 diner, not some fancy café, so I wouldn’t bet on it.”

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