Chapter Seven

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Richard watched painfully as Anna tried and quite successfully dodged the amorous advances of every male guest his Mother had invited. Normally he knew she would have accepted such insult to her personage. It would be her duty to do so and not offend his Mother's guests. 

Now that he threatened her however, that had all changed. He wondered if he had ever behaved in such a raucous manner as these men did. Thinking back to his school days he realize he had and thinking of the way he had treated Anna upstairs he knew he had done much worse.

Juliana did not know which was more tiring, the ballet she was forced to perform to avoid every roaming hand while she served Lady Catherine's guests or watching every girl from age sixteen to twenty throwing themselves at Richard all evening.

Tapping on her glass, Lady Catherine caught the attention of those in the room. "Dearest friends," she began, "I do hope you are all enjoying yourselves to the fullest. After such hard times we face, I am happy to have you all here to share in my great fortune of having my only son return home to me."

"Much time has passed and it has been quite lonely here without Charles, God rests his soul, but now I am alone no longer. So to celebrate I have arranged for a special surprise of a dance this evening. Hopefully you are not too stuffed from dinner to enjoy yourselves," she said with a slight giggle. "So without further ado, I ask you all to adjourn to the ballroom and enjoy."

A ball and another change to this evening's event. Oh, how his stepmother was going to pay. He knew she was trying to marry him off. Most likely she has drained his father's wealth and needed a new source of cash flow. He has not been able to confirm his suspicions but he did make arrangement to see Mr. Dooley the family steward. Soon he will get to the bottom of his stepmother's doings.

At dinner it was easy to ward off the women but a dance? Now he was obligated to split his time equally taking each girl for a spin around the floor. After all he is the guest of honor. The long lost son missed so terribly by his family, namely his stepmother.

Richard spied Anna from across the room as she precarious balanced a tray of wine while she tried to out maneuver Lord Reily. "The old coot should keep his hands to himself. His wife was standing right next to him for God's sake," Richard thought, as he watch Reily make a grab for Anna's bottom. He knew he had to talk to her, there was no way for her to keep up this pace. It was his fault for allowing his temper to get the better of him.

As Richard tried to make his way towards her he was waylaid by Cecilia Chase she was only eighteen but had the body of a full-grown woman. She wasted no time in nabbing the guest of honor for the first waltz. Leaving the rest of the girls to look on with envy.

"You have not heard a word I said," Cecilia pouted as Richard led her around the dance floor. He seemed to be distracted by some serving girl, whatever for she did not understand.

"Sorry Cecilia. I was just thinking Lord Reily might wish to know of news of his son, John." Richard supplied trying not to let Anna out of his sight and giving cause to end their dance early.

"It must have been terribly frightful, having to fight but I am glad you are home now Richard," Cecilia said pressing herself closer to him as they waltzed.

"All these women were so droll," Richard thought. 

Richard had not been able to get anywhere near Anna all evening. No sooner did one song end was there another girl and another tune to take its place. Soon he lost track of her all together.  

Juliana was glad to retire for the evening. Lady Catherine had informed the household staff that once the wine had been served the female wait staff was to turn down the guest's beds and turn in for the night. She had also told Juliana that she was to return to her service as Richard's Chambermaid starting tomorrow. The other guests will have to make due with the girls that were left. Juliana knew why she was reassigned and did not bother to question. She was just happy to turn in for the night to get some much needed rest.

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