Constellation and sleepovers

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Sunday 13th March

So as I promised in the last chapter today I'm going to talk about the constellation and our territory.

To start with, the territory is on a beach as that is the easiest place for us all to meet and get to.

Next up is the actual constellation. We have 3 members at the moment and possibly a 4th.
They are:

Alpha - Krystalblowslife

Beta - CrimsonBerry27

Delta - Me

Eta - possibly Dylan?

The reason why I say possibly is because he hasn't agreed to join the constellation yet as he is still thinking about it.

The next thing I'm going to talk about is the sleepover.

So me and Crimson had a sleepover at Krystals house. As you can imagine, us being "miniature adults in growing" (read Krystals journal to find out more) some weird shit happened.

To start with me and Crimson tormented Krystal with happy wheels which was fun.

After lunch the 3 of us went down to the beach to check out the territory. This was Crimsons first time seeing the territory so she was realy excited. Once we got to our territory we found out that Crimson isn't a very good climber (no offense).

After we'd reached the territory Krystal gave us all dens. Crimsons den is a small cave underneath alpha rock which, to her joy, is on the ground.

My den is a largish rock which in Crimsons words "a tall (so tall it's a safety risk) horrible sharp rock" :) to me it's actually quite nice and because it's so tall if anyone is walking on our territory I'll be able to see them. Plus I haven't fallen off.


Krystals den is another large rock a bit larger and taller than mine.

Alphas rock:
This is where most of the announcements are made e.g: Challenges

On the way back from the beach I brought a new collar. I'll explain why I wear a collar in the next chapter. So at Krystals we played some more happy wheels. Krystals parents were having a dinner party so there was lots of people. Both me and Crimson were anti social as we don't like being crowded around lots of people. At one point I was hidding in a cupboard from these really annoying girls.

Any way I think this is enough for one entry so I'll talk about the other stuff tomorrow

See you later


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