I'm back

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Friday 5th May

So I'm sorry I've been away from wattpad but I've had things to do. I have discovered that I am a polytherian! Okay, so her name is Kiriati and she is a female coyote.
I will still be ending my entrys with Blaze and I will not be changing my name though, mainly because Blaze is my most dominant theriotype.

That was one of the main reasons I've been away as I wanted to figure out what was going on. There were also some other reasons.

The first of those two being bullying. So I know I don't normally let them get to me but recently well, they were just getting to me. It's hard to explain, I don't have a doctors diagnosis but I believe that I have a sort of mild depression, and even if I don't sometimes I will hit a real low. Yes I will admit I have self harmed in the past but I only cut myself 2 times. Yes I know that is still two times and I know that it wont make things any better and I am definitely NOT proud of it which are the reasons why I stopped.

Okay, on to a different note the other reason is because I have my exams next week so I have been doing lots of revision, and in between watching yugioh because otherwise I will literally die.

Also after my exams have finished next week I will be back to updating regularly. Whoo!

So that was all I had to say today, see you guys next time.


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