Fake therians

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Friday 8th April

Sadly most of the therian community are fakes. You know its true. On top of this teen werewolves give (particularly wolf) therians a bad reputation. So this is going to be a list of things to look out for in fake therians

Wolf therians:

- Blue eyes
This is one of the major ones. The amount of times I have heard someone say they were a pure black wolf with blue eyes is stupid. The only exception to this is if they were a wolfdog, which means they are no longer a pure wolf.

- Pure black/white coat colour
Same as above with the only exceptions being wolfdogs and arctic wolves

- Albino
Yet again this is impossible except in wolfdogs.

- Pink noses/pads/ears
The only exception in pure wolves are arctic wolves where the claws are a tawny colour.

- Battles/wars
As amazing as It would be, no wolves do not have massive wars between packs. Actually they try to avoid fights. I hear all the time online (quite often Instagram) " oh my pack was at war with a neighboring pack." or something along the lines of that.

- Wolves DO NOT use there claws for fighting as they are mainly for digging

So thats about it for wolves.

now on to domestic/wild cats:

- Clans
With the exception of lions, cats are solitary animals. One of the easiest ways to tell if someone is a fake therian or not is if they (cat therians) say that they were part or a clan. Don't get me wrong you may find small groups of ferral cats but nothing like a clan.

I used to have a friend who apparently was a lynx therian. Lynxes are solitary cats. She said that she was part of a massive clan. The most laughable part about her story, the way she died. Apparently she was drowned by her clan in a sacrificial event. Sounds more like a warrior cat style death, which leads me on to the next part.

Warrior cats
- NO JUST NO! Sorry but this is one of the most annoying ones however cool or great it may seem, there is no such thing as giant battles, clans or gatherings. Please dont confuse Erin Hunter's warrior cats series with real life.

One last thing, just because someone says they're are a wolf with blue eyes or a pink nose doesn't mean they are necessarily fake, they could just have forgotten to mention they are a wolfdog (part dog). So always check first.

So that was all I had to say at the moment, sorry if this turned into a rant but after looking through Instagram this morning I wanted to say something.

If I've forgotten something tell me in the comments so I can add it in. ;)

I've got to end it here as I'm going out for coffee with my god-mother.


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