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Thursday 7th April

So last night I got home from my nans, sorry I didn't update last night, but I was too tired to write on wattpad. Anyway I didn't get too go back to the woods as it was raining again.


So today I thought I would talk about my therian gear. Someone said to me " therianoripy isn't about being obsessed with buying things." So let me list my therian gear bellow.

.2 tails
.2 collars
.1 chew toy

In my opinion this doesn't count as being obsessed, but comment down bellow what you think.

Sorry if this turned into a rant.

The reason why I have a chew toy is because when I mental shift sometimes I get the urge to chew things. The issue is I can't let Blaze chew my bed or my dad will notice, so the chew toy solves that issue.

Today I wore both my collar and tail in town, I almost always wear my tail but I dont normally wear them both at the same time.

I also felt another presence besides Blaze?! When I was on my way home from my nans I had a mental shift, but it was not like Blaze at all. It felt more like a coyote than anything else now I think about it.

I think it might have been a cameo but if you have any advice that could help I would love to hear it please.


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