Swimming and shifting

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Sunday 20th March

So today was less than relaxing. If you read my last entry you would know that today was the day of my 5K swim. What the heck was I thinking when I signed up for that!? Though I did sign up at 3 am, so?

Luckily to my friends enjoyment I survived. :)

Not much else really happened besides the fact that I had a phantom shift halfway through. It was weird. I could feel my wet tail brushing against my legs and my ears flat against my head. The picture above is of me wearing my red fox tail. :)

I think I just managed to sprain my wrist. :(

I was playing with my hamster when I went down stairs to get a drink, I then realised that I had left the cage open. I ran upstairs to shut the cage before he could get out when I tripped over and landed badly on my wrist. "fun."  This is not the first time this has happened either. *Sigh I need to be more careful. I also have my cheerleading test in P.E tomorrow (not that I like it anyway).

So I gess thats all for today see you next time

P.S  Crimson please don't give me a safty lecture tomorrow :)


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