Boredom and rain

691 22 18

Saturday 26th March

Sorry I haven't been keeping to my entry every day thing, but honestly nothing interesting has happened.

So at the moment it's raining (like it has been all day) which means I've been stuck inside all day. I was particularly annoyed about this today as wolf running and howling are some of my favorite past times and for the first time I was allowed to stay home alone. Usualy I have to go shopping with my parents but today they allowed me to stay at home, which if it was sunny I would have been able to wolf run outside. In the end I went shopping because I wanted to get a new and more durable chew toy and I would have been bored at home as wifi also went down.

Anyway, entrys should get more interesting from Wednesday as I'm going to my nans for a week and that is also where my brother and step-uncle live so some sort of weird shit will happen. Hopefully we dont end up mocking British horror films again. :)

But seriously Britain needs to stop making horrors.

Thats all for this entry, see you next time.


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