My wolf and mud

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Saturday 2th April

So a few days (more like a week) ago I gave you a little more information about my human side, so today I'm going to tell you a bit more about my wolf if you didn't know this already.

1. She is called Blaze

2. Her coat colour is a reddish brown

3. Her eyes are an amber/gold colour

4. She is about 2.5 years old

5. She doesn't like rain

Happy easter everyone!

Sorry I didn't update this sooner but I haven't any time as I've been going too bed at about 12 at night but I've got some free time now to update. So these past few days all I've really been doing is playing horror games with my brother (layers of fear), but yesterday I finally did something interesting.

I went for a walk in the woods with my uncle. Which was awesome as I had a phantom shift of a tail and ears. Do any other therians find that they have more phantom shifts that mental shifts? Anyway my shoe came of in some sinking mud and I had a stick fight, so all in all not a bad day. I've got to end it hear as my brother wants me to watch a film with him.

So see you next time.


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