Busses and spring break

727 25 10

Thursday 24th March

So yesterday there was a relay running race, and one of the people who was supposed to run in the team was ill. So they needed to find someone who had their pe kit in school and was good at running. Being me I ended up volunteering. Little did I realise that the race was in Somerset.

Flipping Somerset.

Which from where my school is, its a 3.5 hour bus ride.

The route we took went through a lot of woods, so I ended up frustrated and having a mental shift. Whilst I was having a mental shift I was making low growling sounds, which luckily as the bus was very loud, no one heard.

At the school we found out that to go there for a year it would cost £25,000!!! So we were of course on our best behavior. Durind the race around halfway through where the orchard is (yes this school has its own orchard) I had another mental shift, a phantom shift and a slight sensory shift! I haven't had many sensory shifts so it was really exiting and it mainly affected my sence of smell. :)

Not much happened today except for the fact that we broke up from school today.


This means that new entrys will be up everyday and they will be longer and more exiting.

So that is all for this entry, see you next time.


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