Thomas Evans

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He didn't visit often, but when he was at KSI Tom went to see her. In secret. Only the lab tech, who took care of her and let him in, knew he went down there.

He saw what he always saw through the missile-proof glass: a frail small woman, seemingly asleep, baring the scars of battle. She sat cross-legged in an empty white box, her head slumped over her chest and each wrist loosely tethered to the ceiling. 

She had been dressed in a pale blue night gown. Tubes entered her body at the inner elbows, and electrodes were plastered to her temples. And although the sight never changed, his curiosity only grew with each visit.

Tom mindlessly played with his hands, twisting the bronze ring on his right hand round and round the finger it lived on.

"Why do you contemplate like that?" asked the tech, who had come to stand next to him, his white lab coat contrasting Tom' black suit, "That frown on your forehead looks almost painful,"

"It doesn't make sense," he sighed, "How could she be a villain? We know nothing about her."

"You mean the records don't show anything about her, as a person, just numbers and data," the tech corrected, "Looks can be deceiving, Mr Evans,"

"She never seems to move," he said.

"That's what I used to think, but as time goes on, I notice the odd thing, sometimes her eyelids flicker, and often, her limbs tense, like she's in pain, or preparing to leap back to life."

Tom narrowed his eyes at her, trying to see any changes, but she sat as still as ever.

"What colour are her eyes?"


"Have you ever seen them open?"

"Once. When she was first brought in. Seen nothing like it since."

"Yes, I've heard." His voice hardened, "She almost brought down the building."

The tech shook his head, "It's true; it was terrible to watch,"

"I suppose it would have been terrifying,"

"You misunderstand me, it was terrible to see a person in such pain. I don't think she meant to cause damage, it was just emotion."

Tom raised his eyebrows.

"Sometimes I think maybe it's kinder for her to be in there, to be isolated from her pain," the tech sighed, "But really that's just what I tell myself. She's dangerous."

"Have you ever talked to her?"


"Then I shall reserve my judgement until I have met her for myself."

"That'll never happen."

He pretended he hadn't heard; "Can I go in?"

The tech straightened up, "Absolutely not!"

"Why? What danger is she if she's kept sedated?" He took a few steps towards the door before the tech blocked him.

"We cannot predict her reaction to your presence! We are not certain if the drugs even work on her, all blood work has been inconclusive! The cells change and adapt-"

Tom blinked, "I'll take my chances,"

"It not just you!" he continued, "She could kill everyone, flatten the city-"

Tom held up a hand, "If you're thinking of what happened to Chicago; that was not her. I've seen the footage. Now move."

The tech hung his head and stepped aside, giving into Tom's authority.

The door clanked and groaned as each latch opened.

Tom crossed the threshold and stopped. He held his breath, but nothing happened. She didn't stir. It was very quiet, he couldn't even hear her breathing. The box smelt like a hospital room. He took another step, growing aware of the energy; the air itself, felt charged.

The tech gingerly followed, muttering under his breath.

Tom swallowed. Slowly, he squatted down next to her. Her skin glowed, pale and thin, almost camouflaging the silver bracelet on her wrist. Her face remained still in slumber. He wasn't even sure she was breathing.

"I brush her hair most days," whispered the tech, "It's just so lovely."

Tom took no notice of him, or her golden locks which fell poker-straight to her waist. The bracelet held his attention. He couldn't stop himself from reaching out to it, and he lightly brushed its hard surface with a fingertip.

Her eyes flew open. Tom fell backwards. The tech yelped and made for the door.

"No, wait!" Tom called to him and he froze, his mouth open in shock.

The girl turned her head to look at them. Tom got to his feet, his hands up in peace.

"You're safe," he told her, his heart thudding mercilessly with fear and excitement.

"Who are you?" she asked. Her voice was small and fearful.

Tom relaxed. He lowered his arms. She wasn't going to hurt him.

"I'm Tom," He told her,

Her eyes moved to the tech, "Have you come for more?" she asked him, her eyes watering.

He shook his head slightly, his eyes the size of saucers.

"More what?"

"Samples," she said, rolling her shoulders and stretching her neck, "They stick me with needles and take blood. Sometimes they cut me with scalpels and take biopsies. They're the worst."

"But you never stopped them?"

She fixed her eyes on his and he was instantly captivated.

"They fear me, people don't handle that very well. It was safer for us both if I just let them,"

"Why speak up now?"

"I felt you," she said simply, "You're different from them,"

"You got that from the bracelet?"

"No, from you."

He didn't really understand, "What's your name?"

She looked puzzled, "Ruby. Who are you?"


The silly phone in Tom's pocket buzzed. The tech jumped out of his skin. The girl frowned. He rolled his eyes and answered it. An angry voice shouted at him "If I have to wait one more minute in this wretched car for you I'll-"

"Coming father!" He hastily ended the call.

"I have to go, Ruby, but can I speak to you again?"

"Whenever you like, I'll be here." She smiled. Almost. Then she closed her eyes.

The room seemed darker, like she'd taken some of the light. 

Ruby - Transformers: Age of Extinction fanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora