The Seed and Steeljaws

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"Let's get out of here."

Ruby pushed her tangled blonde hair out of her face and got to her feet. The door groaned as she forced it open.

"Come on," she whispered to Tessa, "Someone probably heard that."

They crept through the ship, keeping to the shadows. Sweat beaded across Ruby's forehead and she could see it shining on Tessa's cheeks. For such a big and boringly grey ship, it was so hot and stuffy, giving it a rather claustrophobic feel. 

Ruby caught a scent, a nice smell, different from fuel and rust: fresh air.

"This way,"

Ruby resisted the urge to run ahead, knowing the footsteps would echo against all the metal.

Tessa grabbed hold of Ruby's hand and pulled her to a stop; "What's that noise?"

Ruby could hear it too; blades smacking together. "It's a helicopter! Quick, we must be getting close to a way out."

The way out was blocked. The girls hid behind a metal pillar. Lockdown faced the bright exit, watching a helicopter land. Out of it climbed four men in combat gear, and Ruby's stomach dropped. From their casual approach, it was clear that they weren't here to help them.

"Payment," said Lockdown "As agreed, for the retrieval of Prime." He dropped something big at their feet with a clunk.

For one wild moment Ruby thought it was one of Sentinel's pillars. Although similar in size, it looked more like a funny-shaped bullet. Tessa tugged her sleeve and pointed to the helicopter. Ruby shrugged her off and gestured for her to wait.

"Thank you," said one of the men, "This Seed will yield enough Transformium to last a century."

That didn't sound good.

"Yes, yes," said Lockdown, "Now get off of my ship; I want to leave this wretched planet."

"Right away."

The men lifted the Seed between them and carried it into the helicopter. Tessa tugged Ruby's sleeve again, harder now. Annoying as it was, she was right. The helicopter was leaving, and they needed to catch it before the ship left Earth! But Lockdown stood in their way.

"Prepare the ship to leave," he growled at one of his mercenaries. 

The huge door began to close. Ruby was drawn to it like a magnet. She longed to sprint for it, to take down anyone in her way. But she didn't dare. 

She and Tessa waited like coiled springs for the robots to go away, then they tiptoed around the edge of the chamber until they reached the door. It was half-way shut, leaving plenty of room for Ruby to jump out.

Oh, this was definitely not the way out anymore! The cold wind whipped around her face and flapped her loose clothing. Her eyes watered as they adjusted to the brightness. The city of Chicago lay beneath the ship like a toy town. 

It was too high even for her to jump from. Maybe, if she had been by herself, she could climb the outside of the ship and jump to the roof of one of the city's sky scrapers. But Tessa was the reason why she was on this stupid ship in the first place and she'd never survive such a thing. She darted back inside the ship before the door closed.

Tessa's eyes shone through the gloom and Ruby shook her head;

"We need to find a different exit," she said, "Unless you'd prefer to plummet to your death?"

Tears slid down Tessa's cheeks. Ruby gritted her teeth and dragged her back into the depths of the ship, trying to remind herself yet again she'd had special forces training and plenty of robot war experience whereas Tessa was just a girl. She sniffled and sobbed, letting Ruby lead her through a maze of metal. 

Ruby hadn't the heart to tell her to shut up anymore. A decision she regretted when a snarling, gleaming wolf jumped out immediately before them, clearly having heard Tessa. Ruby put a red pulse through it's head before it could make another sound.

"We need to run. Now!"

"What? They'll hear us."

"Doesn't matter-" angry snarls and gnashing teeth sounded from their right "-Steeljaws roam in packs!"

In a flurry of blonde hair, both girls ran left, almost falling over each other. Ruby had to concentrate to stop herself from tripping over her trailing jeans. She cringed at every echoing footstep. Tessa sobbed even louder. Great, the whole ship could probably hear them.

"Tessa!" yelled a new voice.


Ruby ran straight into Cade, sending them both sprawling. Her silver bracelet twanged and sang as it scraped across the floor. Ruby was back on her feet in an instant, the bracelet spitting white sparks over her arm.

"Get up, get up!" she cried,

"Why, what is it?"

"Don't you people ever just get on with it? You can ask questions later!"

A pack of monsters came hurtling round the corner towards them.


"Crosshairs! Thank goodness, someone with sense."

"Huh, no one's ever said that I have sense."

"Well, fire power at least," said Ruby, glad to have an autobot by her side once more.

"Would you guys stop talking and start shooting!"

Red hot energy swirled in Ruby's palms and she unleashed it on the charging pack of metal wolves. They yelped and screamed as she took them down. Beside her, Crosshairs fired shot after shot until there were no Steeljaws left. His black and green cloak swished around his knees, brushing the top of Ruby's head as they turned and took off after the others. 

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