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Late that night, Tom hurried down the stairs, frequently checking over his shoulder. The tech's stolen employee card burned in his hand. He swiped it against the first door. It clicked open and he hurried on to the next. 

Many corridors, levels and doors later and he was back in front of the missile-proof glass. His heart faltered.

He tapped his foot while the latches opened the final door. Finally, he was back by her side, his black suit contrasting her pale blue night gown.

"Ruby?" He breathed, "Can you hear me?"

She opened her eyes and her pupils contracted, revealing more of her beautiful blue irises.

"Where is the scientist, is he behind the glass?"

"No, I came alone. I just wanted to talk to you." Tom dropped his gaze as fear and guilt started nipping.

"What about?" She shuffled, stretching out her legs and arms.

"Er, well, I'm not really sure."

She smiled, properly this time, softening her face.

"That's ok, it's been quite a while since I've had anyone to talk to."


Tom wanted to know what really happened in Chicago. So Ruby told him. She told him how the autobots were betrayed. She told him how they gave their lives for the people of Earth. She told him that without the Autobots, their human planet would be far worse off.

"It's a good job that we only have Decepticons here then," said Tom.

Ruby's heart leapt in shock, "What?!"

"Dead ones, dead ones! Don't worry."

Dead. He said dead. No spark. Gone.

Images flickered in Ruby's mind, filling her with dread as she recalled her capture. Tears filled her eyes, threatening to spill over.

"Hey, there's nothing to be afraid of," Tom lay a hand on her arm.

Ruby scuttled back like he had electrocuted her, moving for the first time in a long time. Her muscles groaned and ached, resisting as she struggled to her feet.

"I'm not afraid," she whispered, leaning against the cold wall for support.

Tom took a step back like he feared she would explode. Maybe she would.

"Then what's wrong?"

Her lips moved but no words came out. The tears trickled down her face, hot against her cold cheeks.

"Get me out," she said.


"Get me out!" she cried, "I have to save them!"

"Who?! What are you talking about?"

He moved towards her again, and Ruby didn't shrink away this time. She could smell his cologne, rich and spicy. Tom smelled like him. The man who had put her here. The man who had killed her friend.

"They're not just Decepticons, Tom," she swallowed, "I saw them, when they first brought me in."

The colour drained from Tom's face. He looked as pale as she did. She looked at the pristine tiled floor.

"The sedative they gave me didn't work for as long as they'd hoped. I came round in the factory. It felt like a part of me had been blurred out, I suppose I hadn't fully gained consciousness. But I saw them. Dead and broken Transformers. I saw my friend's body, Ratchet. I saw his face, his head, detached from his body, being melted down."

She screwed up her face in an attempt to ward off more tears. "I lost control. That must be why they treat me like a nuclear bomb."

"I-I had no idea," said Tom, "The tech told me that you were emotional, in pain, when you were brought in, I don't think anyone realised why, they didn't know, well, someone must know that he was an Autobot, not a Decepticon..."

"You have to help me, Tom," she pleaded, her eyes fierce, "I can't lose anyone else!"

"They're not just robots to you, are they?"

"That's because they're not! What's going on here, Tom? What is this place actually for? I thought this was a government facility, but it's becoming clear to me that it is not."

He avoided her gaze. Ruby saw perspiration break out across his forehead.

"Tell me!"

"We're a tech company, okay?" he cried, "My father and I, we've developed a new metal by studying the transformers, we call it transformium."

"So you're experimenting on them? That's just twisted and sick!"

"Not exactly, not anymore. We need their resources to make it."

"Resources?" Ruby's empty stomach constricted and turned over.

"Their metal. It's melted down and used to make transformium. It's helped us develop a magnificent array of weapons for the military, namely our new drones: man-made transformers. The government have endorsed us, they're really excited about it. They need the defenses to prevent anything like the Chicago incident from ever happening again."

Ruby stared at him in disbelief. Man-made transformers? This was madness.

"Let me go."

"I think you're safer in here." Tom stood a little taller, "The government don't know you're here. But they want you back. They want you dead."

She couldn't pretend this wasn't a blow. Neither was it surprising. Mearing had suspected that this would happen. 

But after all she'd been through, after all she'd done for the country, for the whole planet, it was a little hurtful that they'd turned their backs on her in such a vicious way.

Ruby - Transformers: Age of Extinction fanficWhere stories live. Discover now