What Goes Up

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"I never wanted to see that monstrosity ever again!"

Lockdown's ship silently passed over like a poisonous cloud, darkening the road. It headed for the city.

Ruby's veins throbbed with power. He had come back for Optimus she was sure, and he was not going to get him!

"Cade, take the wheel from me," she said, easing off the accelerator and placing a hand on the door handle, "I'm going to bring that thing down for good,"

She opened the door to jump out of the moving car. The sudden rush of air roared in her ears, but it wasn't the noise that changed her mind. She slammed the door shut, the snarl fading from her face, and batted Cade's hands away from the wheel. What she saw had her stomping on the gas again.

She pressed the pedal down all the way and held it there, at full revs.

Her passengers turned to look. Tessa gasped.

"Oh, my," whispered Tom.

Behind them, the city screamed.

Lockdown's ship sucked all manner of things from the city into the air, lifting up everything caught in its magnetic field. From dumpsters, to cars and trucks. Buildings groaned as the magnet stripped them of their metal structures. Street lamps and road barriers left the ground as they sped past.

The shield around the car wavered. Bumble Bee veered aside and Ruby instantly lost sight of him.

"Cade, the wheel!"

He grabbed it from her before she accidentally dumped them in the sea. Her hands shook violently. The ship was coming back their way; they were almost under its shadow. Ruby fought against the pull of the magnet, but it grew stronger and stronger.

The ship went around them, over the harbour, ripping off the railing. It lifted heavy cargo and cruise ships like they were toys. Water poured off the rising boats, crashing into the road.

Ruby slammed on the brakes, almost putting Cade through the windscreen. A strong stench of salt and seaweed wafted into the car as the tidal wave swept past.

The Seed beeped louder and faster.

"Do something!" Tessa screamed.

Ruby ignored her, she couldn't think about what the Seed was doing right now. She was a little busy.

The pull from the magnet suddenly vanished. Ruby's hands stopped shaking and she slumped in her seat, exhausted. The shield around the car stabilised.

Above them came the unmistakable cry of steel under strain. Ruby's stomach dropped.

What goes up must come down. 

She could only hope Drift was too far ahead to be hit.

"Back up!" cried Cade, as the first of the boats fell from the sky.

It hit the road with such force Ruby could have sworn their car left the ground for a second.

She threw the car in reverse.

"Back up back up back up!"

The ship and its magnet passed over them and it brought the rain. All manner of objects banged and bounced around the road. A bus rolled over them, skimming the roof, and a spinning rotor from a boat the size of a town nearly cut them in half. And every single sound pounded through Ruby's head like a direct hit.

"This is madness!"

"We need to find cover!"

Ruby yanked the car off the road, rolling over someone's front garden and squeezing between the houses.

Ruby - Transformers: Age of Extinction fanficWhere stories live. Discover now