Pull Me Back

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There was nothing in the darkness. Not at first. Just a never ending starless night sky.

In previous battles, when Ruby's injuries had her bleeding into unconsciousness, there was always something. Pain, embracing her in a spiky hold, anchoring her solidly to life. And voices, somebody there to tell her it was going to be okay.

The silence here was absolute. Tranquil, like utterly still water. Undisturbed by anything. Maybe it was because, this time, she was broken beyond repair. Her head was broken. Not even her mane of blonde hair could hide it. Her powers were gone. The heat of the bracelet's energy had even subsided.

Ruby found peace in amongst the black. She was free. No more sweat, blood or tears. No more war or grief. No more devastation. But then a pair of blue stars appeared, blinking in unison in the night. They stirred some emotion, Ruby couldn't place it at first. Longing, that was it. A desperation for something. For someone. Friends. Family.

It was barely an echo on the non-existent wind, but she heard it in the fragments of her still heart, as clear and as shrill as a whistle.

"You should not be here."

A face slowly materialized behind the stars; no, not stars, eyes. Optics.

Ironhide. Her heart hummed with joy at his voice.


A second voice, agreeing with the first. Ratchet.

Ruby wanted to talk back. There was no need for Ratchet to fix her, no need for them to worry. But she had no voice.

"You must go back. You should never have come to this place."

What place? They were neither here or there. But his voice had struck her heart, again, and this time, it struck back. It beat. Twice, then a third time. It was loud. And it hurt.

"Here, drink this, don't try to talk,"

Tom lifted her head and held a small plastic cup to her lips. Ruby sipped at the water, letting it wet her dry mouth. He propped her up on a pillow and stepped back. 

She wasn't in a hospital. The bedroom was large and luxurious. The fabric caressing her skin was deep silk. A chandelier, dripping in crystals, hung above the bed. The window to her left was grand; framed with cream drapes and letting in lots of daylight. She could smell candles burning somewhere.

Ruby looked back to Tom, asking for answers with her eyes.

"We're in a country house in China," he said, "I didn't dare move you much. Cade and Tessa are here, they're okay."

He smiled weakly. He looked okay, too. His black hair was impeccable once more, not a strand out of place. He wore an eggshell blue shirt, designer, for which Ruby's fragile mind was unable to come up with the name for.

"You, on the other hand, didn't fare too well," he perched himself on the edge of the bed, "I operated on your head. Sorry, I had to shave off most of your hair."

A jolt of shock went through her body. Well that explained why her head felt cold. And exposed.Her lovely hair, a part of her, gone. Sideswipe had often teased her about her hair. She'd vowed never to cut it.

"Hound, er, cut through your skull. I relieved the pressure on your brain, draining the swelling, and did my best to repair the ruptured blood vessels," he continued, "You did really well. It cleaned up nicely. And you're healing a lot faster than I've ever seen, it must be that bracelet of yours,"

Ruby could see it, the silver glinting on her wrist. It remained quite cool.

"The only thing is the extent of the damage," Tom sighed, "Patients with head trauma like yours, well, normally wouldn't survive. But anyway, the side effects could include loss of speech, of feeling in your limbs and extreme fatigue. We need to take it slow."

She blinked, already falling back into slumber. 

Ruby dosed on and off, until Tessa and Cade came to visit.

"Hey, she's finally awake!"

"We've literally been staying next door. Like, in the next wing. This place is huge!"

Ruby had never seen Tessa looking happy. It shocked the voice out of her;

"I thought you would have gone home by now,"

"Can't," said Tessa, "It blew up."
"But Tom," said Cade, "Said he would help us get a new one, and, he might have a job for me, and, he'll help pay for Tessa's college,"

They were positively beaming, and the cleanest Ruby had ever seen them. Not a spec of ash or a burn mark in sight.

"That's great," said Ruby, with a weak smile.

"So how are you doing?"

"Okay, I think, Tom won't let me move an inch so I'm not really sure."

Tessa giggled.

"He's a bit over protective," said Cade, "I think he's grown quite fond of you,"

"Nonsense," Ruby snorted, "He feels guilty for keeping me imprisoned for several years,"
Cade nodded, "Well, there is that."

"Where are the autobots?" asked Ruby, "Can I seem them soon?"

Their smiles instantly vanished.

"Hound is here," said Cade, "Bumble Bee too."

Ruby struggled to sit forward, "I want to see them," she said. Something was wrong.

"Whoa there," Cade put his hands on her shoulders, stopping her, "That's the doctor's call. Tessa, will you fetch Tom?"

It took three more days for Ruby to get her legs working again. Tom called it a miracle. Ruby called it dam frustrating. But when the day came that she was finally allowed out, Tom had clothes for her, left by Bumble Bee. What was he, her personal stylist?

But she couldn't stop the smile from creeping across her face when she saw them. Black skinny jeans. A deep red V-neck sweater. And black ankle boots.

She was back. 

Ruby - Transformers: Age of Extinction fanficWhere stories live. Discover now