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The roads were disturbingly normal as they sped out of Chicago in the morning. Optimus pushed his speed, his engine growling. Ruby sat in the driver's seat with the windows down. The blustering air blew her hair all over the place until she tied it into a knot at the back of her neck. Her senses strained to pick up anything unusual. She gripped the large steering wheel, her eyes and ears on stalks.

Optimus swerved round a red car in full view of a street camera. After twenty minutes, she started to panic. There was no doubt in her mind that KSI and the government hunted for them. But what if they'd gone after the other autobots? What if they were brought down? Captured? Killed? Mutilated and melted down to make grotesque transformium?

"Maybe we should turn around," she said into the empty cab. Optimus answered her only by going even faster. Maybe he sensed something that she didn't.

Sure enough, barely a minute later, a huge grey truck sped across their path, blocking the way. Optimus slammed on his brakes and they were engulfed by smoke from the tyres. He transformed and Ruby sprang lightly to the ground. A terrifying, deep growl shook her teeth.

The air cleared and before her stood the clone she had seen in the KSI factory. Steely grey, it appeared even bigger than she remembered. A meshed plate covered the gaping hole in its chest. As Ruby stared, the robot's metal surface teemed, like it crawled with nanobots. His entire body vanished, replaced by a sphere of glistening silver for a split second before reforming as a enormous canon. 

Ruby jumped up in the air before her brain caught up with her instincts. The barrel-sized bullet whooshed beneath her feet and exploded into the concrete flyover behind her. She landed, tucked and rolled through the shower of debris and gathered energy in her palms. The concentrated inferno pelted towards the clone, but a hole opened up where the gun had been. The shot went straight through it, bursting harmlessly like a firework over the park behind. The raw silver instantly reshaped into the robot. People abandoned their cars, running for cover.

Fear buried itself like a shard down Ruby's back. Optimus roared and charged, his swords flashing in the sun. Ruby watched them duel in shock. It was as if Optimus fought against a wisp of smoke.

She coughed and sneezed, clearing the dust from her lungs. Oh, how she wished she had her hand gun! She stretched out her hands, her bracelet glowing bright on her wrist. Behind the battle, two empty cars rose into the air. Ruby opened her arms wide, then clapped her hands together. The cars smashed over either side of the clone's head, and he stumbled backwards. Ruby allowed herself a smug, half-smile. So this thing wasn't completely indestructible.

Optimus lunged at him, thrusting a sword straight through the clone's chest. The meshed cover broke to pieces at his feet, revealing the empty void.

Optimus stared at it, "You have no spark..." He looked as disgusted as Ruby had been.

"That is why I have no fear!" cried the clone in a booming voice.

Ruby gasped. She'd know that voice anywhere. Now Optimus was vulnerable. But the clone stepped back, transformed into the bulky grey truck, and drove away. Before her lips could even form a question, a volley of shots flew from the park, knocking Optimus to the ground.

"NO!" shrieked Ruby, "Not this time!"

"I'm OK!" Optimus shouted to her, "Take cover!"

Out of the burning trees of the park walked a robot of the likes Ruby had never seen before. Apart from his gigantic size, he looked alarmingly human. A super-solider, kitted out in high-tech body armour. His face was covered by a green helmet and he held an alien rifle. Ruby scooted behind a car on its roof. A little way from her, Optimus drew himself up to his full height.

Bumblebee came out of nowhere. He flew towards this new robot, guns blazing from his camaro bonnet and roof, engine screaming. Ruby's stomach dropped when she saw Cade and Tessa were still in the car. What on earth was he thinking!?

"No Bumblebee!"

The robot fired his rifle, sending Bumblebee into a dangerous skid to avoid it. As he lost momentum, he opened his doors. Cade and Tessa to slipped out and he transformed. His helmet came down and he raised his fists. But this new enemy didn't pay him any more attention. He continued his slow stalk towards Optimus.

Cade and Tessa took cover behind a car a few feet from Ruby. She gritted her teeth and attempted to dart over to them. The enemy opened fire on her the moment she was exposed. She deflected the bullets back at the shooter, but they bounced off him like they were made of rubber.

Every joint in her body started to ache under the constant impact. Her aim faltered and a bullet hit the car covering Cade and Tessa. They ran in different directions.

"Enough of this," said the robot in a rather civil tone, "Optimus, your creators want you back."

Before anyone could respond, a huge ship dropped from the sky, blocking out the sun. The robot rose gracefully up to it like gravity didn't exist. And dropped a vast metal net that ensnared Optimus and the car behind which Ruby had taken cover moments before.

"Optimus!" she cried as it began hoisting him into the air, "Optimus!"

She leapt up, clinging onto the net. Nothing she did made any difference. She tried snapping it, burning it, blasting it, but the net remained as strong as ever. Why didn't her powers work?!

"Optimus, cut it with your swords!"

It was as if he couldn't hear her. His blue eyes just stared up at the ship in wonder. Then there was a new scream. Ruby's breath caught in her throat. Tessa was stuck in that car.

"Tessa!" Cade shouted from the ground, "No!"

Even if Ruby could break this net, she might not be able to catch the car before it fell to the ground. Tessa could die. Her strength and powers appeared to be depleted after her imprisonment.

She wrapped her leg around the net to steady herself and ripped the door off of the car. Tessa crawled to the edge, then froze as she caught sight of the ground dropping away.

"Over here!" Ruby called to her, "I'll catch you!"

Tessa, like Optimus, didn't seem to hear. She retreated inside the car, clearly terrified.

Ruby looked up. They were entering the ship. She either let go now, or she went into the unknown with Optimus and Tessa. She cursed under her breath and held on tight.

Ruby - Transformers: Age of Extinction fanficWhere stories live. Discover now