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Ruby hurtled towards the underside of Lockdown's ship. And there was nothing she could do. She couldn't slow down, she couldn't even move. All of her limbs were locked in place, frozen by the force of the magnet. She just shot up, faster and faster. Consumed by terror, her ears rang and her eyes watered. This must be what it felt like to be swept up by a hurricane, or thrown in a tumble dryer.

Cold metal closed around her torso. Her eyes felt like they would be torn right out of her skull as she looked down. Optimus pulled her aside a split second before a fire-spitting Grimlock whirled past, as helpless as she was. The flames from his huge mouth fizzled out to nothing. Useless.

"Argh!" cried Optimus.

His extra ten tonnes of weight slowed Ruby's ascent, but they were still being dragged up all the same.

Heat burned past Ruby's ear. Then again. Optimus fired great big shot after shot with his Ion blaster.

Duh! Ruby could have slapped herself in the head, if only she could move. At such a close range, they could take out the magnet. They had to.

Ruby drew on her purest, strongest power. It began to swirl in her outstretched hand. One hand would have to do; the other was pinned against her side. The power grew; pressure built up behind it, shaking her very cells loose. She held a grenade, and it was time to pull the pin. The ball distorted, pulsing and pulling out of its shape. It burned so hot she was sure it was melting her hand. If she didn't release it now, it would tear her apart before she hit the magnet.

One breath away from death, she let go.

Direct hit.

The magnet rumbled and spluttered. Then exploded in a burst of blinding light that sent the colossal ship veering to the right. It was going down.

And so were they. 

Optimus let her go and Ruby dropped like a stone, turning and tumbling through the air. 

She screamed. Her limbs flailed helplessly. The air roared in her ears. She couldn't see anything past her tangles of hair. She couldn't breathe, all of her organs seemed to have vanished. There was nothing but a black void where her stomach should be churning.

Something grabbed her by the shoulders, interrupting her freefall and cutting off her scream. Ruby struggled to get her eyes to focus, how far off was the ground? Ten meters? A hundred?

"Optimus!" she screamed, "Optimus! Where are you?"

She wriggled, kicking her legs. Talons dug into her shoulders. Whatever had hold of her started to shriek. Grimlock roared in answer, but he sounded far away.

"Here Ruby, over here!"

The ground rushed up to meet her feet, and she hit it running. Well, she intended to. She lost her balance and fell in the sand. It felt warm and soft between her fingers. Slowly, she lifted herself up. The ground lurched once more. Ruby punched it with her fist. Why was she still so freaking dizzy?!

A pair of wings beat above her and she turned to see a huge metal pterodactyl with a beak as long as her body. Of course. What else? Grimlock roared again, sounding even further away. The winged Legend took off in his direction.

"Prime!" growled a very angry Lockdown from somewhere nearby.

Ruby hurried to her feet, hugely relieved that the ground stayed still this time. 

She couldn't see anyone. To her left was a solid concrete building; it looked like an energy plant. Smelt like an energy plant too, or maybe that was something else, because behind it rose a plume of black smoke. Lockdown's ship. The ringing was still in Ruby's ears and her head pounded more than ever, but what if Optimus was round there, behind that building? Lockdown would find him. And take him from her. Forever.

Spurred on by the thought, Ruby jogged around the building. The sun was hot on her back and the bracelet burned hot around her wrist. She blasted through a brick wall and came face-to-foot with Lockdown. The stench of the wreckage stuck up her nose.

Lockdown's head snapped round, and his face changed, silently transforming until a long gun replaced it. Ruby's mouth twitched in a smirk. Her fingers tingled with anticipation. Catching bullets, human or alien, was child's play.

But he didn't shoot. He straightened up, the gun shrinking back. Lockdown's green eyes glared at her; they reminded Ruby of slimy, creepy fish that dwelled in the dark depths of the ocean. Then he turned away as if he hadn't even seen her.

Ruby jumped for him. She'd rip those eyes right out of his head!

He dodged her. Ruby rolled forward and spun round, ready to launch her next attack. Lockdown continued to walk away from her.

"I won't let you take Optimus!" she shrieked, preparing to jump again.

He stopped and turned.

"Oh just look at yourself," he spat, "You can't even save yourself."

Ruby launched a ball of energy his way. It struck his shoulder, but Lockdown didn't falter.

Ruby frowned, touched by a pang of panic.

"Your power is already fading; it won't be long now," he narrowed his eyes, intensifying the green, "Why should I waste my time when you won't even last the day,"

Ruby ground her teeth, her blood boiling. She threw out her hands and lightning crackled from her fingertips, red and blue, connecting her to Lockdown.

"Argh!" he cried.

Ruby stepped closer to him. She'd fry him alive. Until he burst.

But her hands started to shake. She couldn't keep it up. The bracelet constricted around her wrist, glowing bright with power. Still, she fell to her knees and the lightning stopped.

"Ha ha," said Lockdown, "Ha,"

Ruby forced herself back up. Fury and fear intertwined around her heart. Her powers were failing her. Her own senses were failing. Her vision flickered. Her balance wobbled. Why now, when Optimus needed her most?

"Feeling a bit warm?" Lockdown teased.

She made another feeble attempt to hit Lockdown, but he was done playing.

"Look," he snapped, "Just look! Why can't you see?" he did something strange with his arm, and reached his hand down to Ruby.

His hand had become reflective. Ruby saw herself.

The whites of her eyes were turning red. Blood ran from her nose. It poured from her ears and matted in her hair. She touched her fingers to it, to check it wasn't a trick.

It wasn't.

Lockdowntook his chance. He backhanded her, sending her flying into the concrete building. 

The breath was knocked from Ruby's lungs and once again, she fell to her knees. Spots of blood dripped from her nose, soaking into the sand. What was going on? She'd just got her powers back, and they were fading already? Why?

"Do you want me to speed it up for you?" sneered Lockdown, "End it quick? Because there's nothing else anyone can do for you. I bet you thought you were so special, invincible, with your cybertanium skeleton, but in the end, it's going to be the death of you."

"What are you talking about?" Ruby coughed, remaining on her knees. 

The longer she kept him talking, the more chance Optimus had. 

"You humans, so ignorant, even of your own selves," he banged his fists together, and the sound made Ruby's head feel like it was cracking in half, "A brain hemorrhage of your extent can only be eased by surgery, and with your cybertanium skull, no surgeon could help you!"

Ruby - Transformers: Age of Extinction fanficМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя