Author's Note

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A message from the author:

I cannot believe that I just wrote 'the end'! A huge thank you to everyone who has stuck by this story, thank you SO MUCH for reading, it never would have been finished without you. (I'm about to go find out how to tag people, stay tuned!)

I first started writing about Ruby as an exercise to get over writer's block, I never imagined her story would see the light of day, but now she has fans? Crazy!

I'm happy to say that, although it's the end of this book, it's not the end for Ruby. Her story will continue next summer (2017) after the release of 'The Last Knight' movie.

In the mean time, what would you to read next? What do you like and not like?

I currently have plans to write an original story (it involves a horse, and is inspired by a recent movie, Suicide Squad, weird right?) or would you rather a short Ruby story that occurs before Dark of the Moon?

I can't wait to hear your ideas and feedback! 

Thanks again for reading. Now please join me for a celebratory slice of cake. Or chocolate. Or chocolate cake. Or cookies. All three. I have a sweet tooth (many sweet teeth) I could go on.

 xxx :) xxxx

Ruby - Transformers: Age of Extinction fanficWhere stories live. Discover now