Just A Friend (Morgan x Reader)

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"Come on, that was funny!" Reid defended.

"Maybe to Einstein!" You chuckled.

"It's not that complicated! See, Ohm is the SI derived unit of electrical resistance-" He started to ramble as Morgan walked by. You decided to take advantage of the excuse to stop the conversation before it rolled further downhill.

"Hey, Morgan, wanna grab some takeout with us in a few?"

"I'm good." He gave you a small smile and grabbed the jacket off the back of his chair.

"You sure?" You raised an eyebrow. It wasn't like Derek to turn you and Reid down, and you knew for a fact he didn't have any plans.

"I wouldn't want to get in the way of your alone time with pretty boy, would I?" Morgan said lightheartedly. His tone sounded kind, but you could see the tinge of jealousy on his face. Shock overtook you and you looked back at Reid, surprised by the suggestion Derek was making.

"N-no, Derek, Reid and I- I mean, we're not..." You stammered.

Morgan held up his hands in surrender and gave you a half-hearted smile. "Relax, mama. I get it. Keep it on the down low. I won't tell."

"Morgan, we're not a thing!" You said firmly. You didn't want anyone to think there was anything going on between you and your best friend, especially when you had feelings for Morgan.

"You're not?" He asked. You thought you heard a tiny bit of relief in his voice.

You shook your head. "No. I... I like you..." You said quietly and shrugged. You bit your lip and glanced at Derek, awaiting a reaction. It took a brief second for him to put all of this together, but a moment later, the biggest grin you'd seen him with was spreading on his lips. Morgan pulled you close to him and gave you a soft kiss.

"Well then, I'm glad I'm not the only one." He chuckled lightly and kissed you again.

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