Mrs. Reid (Reid x Reader)

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"Sheriff Miller," The sheriff introduced herself as she shook hands with Hotch. The rest of the team followed in behind.

"I'm Agent Hotchner, these are agents Morgan, Rossi, Prentiss, Reid, and, well, Reid."

"Reid and Reid... siblings or married?" The sheriff asked.

"Married," You smiled and held up your hand, flashing your ring.

Miller nodded and started walking towards the briefing room. You all followed in uniform.

"Six vics in the last two months." The sheriff sighed and looked at the pin board. "I really hope you guys are as good as they say you are, 'cause we got nothing." Miller glanced at you and the team as she headed out.

Almost immediately, you all started diving into the case. Six women, all middle class and in their 30's, had been shot and dumped at various points throughout the city. Although you didn't have much to go off of yet, you couldn't seem to find any significant connections between the victims. The hours passed by without any major breaks in the profile.

"It's getting late." Hotch looked at his watch. "We should all get some sleep. The hotel is a bit packed right now, so we'll have to double up." Immediately, Reid glanced at you and you nodded, non-verbally agreeing to share a room. The rest of the team quickly picked their partners and then headed back to the hotel.

"No apparent relation to the dump sites, no historical or religious significance..." Reid mumbled to himself as he studied the map in front of him.

"Spencer," you groaned and hugged him from behind. "Let's get some sleep, babe. Please?" You yawned.

"I just- I should have been able to find some geographical similarities and significance by now..." He shook his head and set down the map.

"You just need some rest. That big brain of yours can't work 24/7," You smiled sympathetically.

"I guess you're right," he shrugged and crawled under the covers with you.

"Of course I am," you smiled and kissed his cheek before closing your eyes. You drifted off almost immediately.

"Hey, um, (Y/N), are you alright?" Reid asked, his tone soft and worried as he gently opened the bathroom door. You were leaning on the toilet, head bent down and breathing slightly heavily.

"Y-yeah," you smiled up at him and wiped the corner of your mouth. "Just felt a little nauseous."

"A little?" He raised an eyebrow at you, his voice gentle. "You just threw up. Maybe you shouldn't head into the police station today."

"No, I'm fine. Really, Spencer." You stood up and gave him a confident smile. He sighed.

"Ok. But if you feel any worse, just let me know, alright?" You agreed and headed out to get dressed.

"How about motive. Do we have any idea why the unsub is doing all this?" Prentiss asked.

"It's highly likely that the unsub is doing all this out of hatred towards women. If that's the case, then the unsub is probably a male who went through a divorce, or suffered from a traumatic experience at the hands of a woman in his childhood." Reid spilled out.

"I'd go with the divorce theory," JJ said as she walked in with everyone's lunch order. She handed everyone their food and took a seat next to Prentiss.

"Why's that?" Rossi asked

"Because this unsub is probably around the same age as his victims. If the unsub was targeting victims that represented someone from his past, they would most likely all resemble his true target. These women all look different."

You nodded in agreement with JJ as you pushed around the food in your fast food container with your fork.

"That doesn't exactly eliminate a lot of potential suspects. Do you know how many guys are left disgruntled by a divorce?" Penelope chimed in over the phone.

"We can probably assume he's either unemployed or works from home." You added. "People with a normal work schedule wouldn't be able to dump the victims at the time he does."

Reid looked at you and nodded. He frowned a little when he saw you weren't eating.

"That still leaves thousands of people who fit the profile."

"He couldn't have just started with this level of violence. Narrow the search to any 30 to 40 year old males who have gone through a divorce, are unemployed or work from home, and who have any previous offenses, particularly acts of violence towards women." Derek said.

"Now we're getting somewhere," Garcia commented as the rapid clicks of her keyboard echoed through the phone. "Ok, the list is still considerably long, but if I narrow down the results to divorces that line up with the killers timeline... and we've got exactly two names."

"Good job, mama. Text us their addresses." Morgan ended the call and grabbed his jacket.

"(Y/N), Prentiss, Morgan, you take the first address. JJ, Reid and I'll take the second." You nodded and headed out the door, getting in the passenger seat of the SUV. Morgan and Prentiss got in right after and you sped towards the suspect's house.

"Alright, Prentiss, (Y/N), you take the back. I'll go around front." Morgan finished strapping on his vest and headed towards the front door. You drew your gun and snuck around back, Prentiss right behind. You kicked the door in and cleared the kitchen, then started going room to room, searching for the potential unsub.

Within seconds, you, Prentiss, and Morgan had cleared the main and upper floors. All that was left was the basement.

You nodded to Morgan, signaling for him to go ahead. He quickly opened the door and headed down the stairs, sweeping the surrounding area. You followed just behind him, Prentiss behind you. You watched Morgan turn a blind corner and suddenly you heard a loud crash. Your eyes widened and your heartbeat raced as you rushed down the stairs, your eyes clinging to Morgan, who was lying on the ground. Out of nowhere, a fist came flying at you. You ducked and jabbed at the man who was attacking you, just causing him to become even more angry. He hit you with an uppercut to the jaw, and you stumbled back. Prentiss stepped in and knocked him out cold after a swift kick.

"You should probably take her in for an MRI." Spencer instructed as he looked over your wound.

"Ignore him," You told the EMT. "Spencer, I'm fine. I've taken much worse." You raised an eyebrow and gave him a smile. He looked at you, not believing what you were telling him.

"Do you wanna tell me what's going on? You've been acting kind of strange..." He swallowed and took one of your hands in his, looking at you concerned.

You sighed, a small smile tugging at the corner of your lips. "I'm pregnant." You said quickly. Spencer's face lit up. He picked you up off the bumper of the ambulance and spun you around in his arms. He pressed a kiss to your lips, still smiling. You pulled away after a couple seconds, grinning like crazy.

"That's not all, though." You bit your lip. "It's twins!"

"I- I can't believe this." He shook his head, still unable to completely grasp everything that was going on. "I love you, (Y/N). I'm the luckiest man alive," He grinned and kissed you again. You stood on your tippy toes and kissed him back, intertwining your hand with his.

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