She's Mine (Garcia x Reader)

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Request: Could you do a Penelope X reader were The team are all hanging out at a bar or something and someone flirts with the reader and Penelope gets jealous

Warnings: Alcohol mention

"Two beers, please!" You cheerily asked over the sound of the music. The bartender nodded and gave you a quick smile as he headed to grab your drinks. You leaned slightly against the bar and looked over at your team until a man stepped closer, obstructing your view.

"What's your name, beautiful?" The man asked boldly. He smirked and extended a hand to you. You glanced at the bartender, hoping he would return quickly. You flashed the man a quick smile and hastily shook his hand.

"(Y/N)." You said quickly.

"(Y/N)..." the man echoed. "I like that, (Y/N). Well, my name's John." He smiled at you and cocked his head, his eyes flicking up and down your body as he bit his lip slightly. "So, (Y/N), what's a pretty girl like you doing here on your own?"

"Um, I'm actually-" you started.

"She's not here alone." Garcia said coldly, making you jump at her sudden appearance. The man scoffed.

"And who exactly are you?" John asked rudely.

"I just happen to be (Y/N)'s girlfriend." Garcia snapped back and linked her arm with yours. You nodded and gave the man an icy stare. No one talked to your girlfriend like that. No one.

John rolled his eyes and took his drink from the bar before walking off reluctantly. Garcia gave him a snarky smile and a wave as he left.

"What was that?" You laughed.

"What? I can't come to your rescue?" Penelope shrugged.

"I can handle myself, you know." You raised an eyebrow as you took a sip of your beer.

"I know, I know..." she sighed. "I just- I get so jealous whenever I see anyone trying to flirt with you."

"Well," you set your beer down and pulled Penelope into a kiss. "I don't want anyone flirting with me but you."

"Good." Garcia chuckled and kissed you back.

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