Uncle Rossi (Rossi x Reader)

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It had been two weeks since you had moved in with your uncle, David Rossi. You had been adjusting quite well so far. He painted your new bedroom your favorite color and bought you whatever furniture you wanted for it. Everything was going great; the only problem was your struggle to overcome your shyness.

You made David promise not to tell the rest of his team about the recent move in. You didn't want to face the awkwardness of meeting them, and the thought of so much change happening at once knotted your stomach.

All was going just as you planned, up to the point when Hotch asked Rossi if he wanted to meet the team for dinner one night after work. Rossi politely declined, but the two of you should have known better than to lie to a group of profilers. Hotch was suspicious of Dave's other obligations. Rossi never missed hanging out with the team.

That was only the start, however. David started heading home earlier to spend more time with you. Before you moved in, he would stay to all hours of the night finishing up paperwork. Derek was the first to notice this; then Prentiss noticed all the calls and texts he was getting (all of them from you). Of course, it was JJ who made the connection. She knew the signs the moment she saw them. Call it a mother's intuition.

She pulled Rossi aside and asked him if he had anyone new in his life, anyone he's been taking care of. He knew the rest of the team knew something was up, and it was only a matter of time before they figured it out. He came clean about your recent move into the Rossi household, and before long, the profilers were itching to meet you.

After a bit of convincing and begging, Rossi finally got you to agree to meeting his coworkers.

You followed behind him timidly. You glanced at the people crowding around one of the desks in the BAU bullpen and bit your lip. Your uncle introduced you to the team. You gave them a shy smile and a small wave as you exchanged greetings. Luckily, Rossi did most of the talking.

"So, (Y/N), what do you like to do in your free time?" A woman named Alex Blake asked you with a warm smile.

"I like coding and watching my favorite shows. Reading too, I guess." You shrugged, giving her a shy smile.

"Coding? Oh, you'll love my set up! Follow me!" An extravagantly dressed lady exclaimed. Garcia rushed off to her office, expecting you to follow. You broke away from the group, thankful for an excuse to leave. Penelope held the door open for you, and you walked in, gawking at the various monitors.

"Nice, huh? I built it myself," Garcia said happily. You nodded and took a closer look at the computers.

"This is incredible!" You exclaimed, amazed by all the technology.

That was only the start of your friendship with tech goddess Penelope Garcia. As the weeks went by, the two of you grew closer and closer. When Rossi was away on cases, Garcia would always stop by on her way home from work to check up on you. You went out to grab coffee together on Saturday mornings, and it turns out she loves the same TV shows as you. Your weekends started turning into sleepover marathons at each other's places. She certainly was making the adjustment to the move easily, and you two always had a blast together.

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