Drawing On The Jet (Reid x Reader)

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It had been hours since you had pulled out your sketchbook and started drawing. Hours since Reid had started the book he was reading.

Eventually, Reid sat up in his seat and set the book on the table. He caught you periodically glancing up at you and you gave him a quick smile. Spencer just gave you a questioning look.

"You wanna see?" You asked, raising an eyebrow and smirking a bit.

"See what?" Reid asked, confused. You turned around the sketchbook and let him see what you were drawing.

"(Y/N)..." Spencer said, astonished, as he gently took the sketchbook from you and studied it. "This is amazing!" He said, still not looking up from the drawing.

"Thanks!" You replied cheerfully as you watched his eyes scan the page over and over again.

"It looks exactly like me... where'd you learn to draw?" Spencer finally looked up at you, the amazement still obvious in his eyes.

You shrugged. "I just taught myself, I guess."

"You should bring your sketchpad on flights more often, then." Reid smirked slightly. "I'd love to see some of your other work if you ever have the time." He asked shyly and fidgeted with his hands underneath the table.

"Yeah, I- I'd love to!" You grinned.

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