Always and Forever (Morgan x Reader)

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Warnings: Mention of death, death of a relative

"You in, (Y/N)?" Morgan asked as he leaned back in his chair. He had noticed how distant you had been today and wanted to help you unwind; little did he know what was really going on.

"Hmm?" You snapped out of your thoughts and back to the conversation you had been absently nodding along to.

"Prentiss, Reid, and I were gonna go grab some drinks after work. You wanna come?"

"I, um, can't. Sorry." You replied with a half-hearted smile. Morgan furrowed his brows.

"Everything ok?" Derek looked up at you, his tone gentle and concerned.

"Y-yeah." You nodded and flashed him a quick smile.

"(Y/N)..." Derek stood up and walked over to you, placing a gentle hand on your arm. "What's going on?"

You took a shaky breath and looked at the ground. "Today's the anniversary of my great-grandfather's death..." You admitted quietly. Your voice was barely a whisper and tears were gathering in your eyes; any louder and you feared they might spill.

"Oh my god... I'm so sorry, (Y/N). Is there anything I can do?" Derek asked sincerely.

"Well... there might be something..." You said.

"Anything at all, just name it."

"Could you come with me to his grave? I don't think I'd be able to go alone." You asked.

"Yeah, of course. Whatever you need, mama." Derek gave you a sympathetic smile as he grabbed your coat off your chair. He led you out of the office with his arm wrapped protectively around your shoulder.

You stood in front of his stone, the breeze sending chills through your body as you pulled your jacket closer to you. You didn't know what to say; your words were stuck in your throat. All you could do was try to remain strong.

Derek took your hand in his and gave it a comforting squeeze. That simple gesture, him just letting you know he was there, brought on a flood of emotions you had been trying so hard to hold back. The tears came rushing down your cheeks and you let out a sob; the pain of missing him couldn't be suppressed anymore.

"Hey, hey." Morgan wrapped his arms around you, resting your head against his chest as he kissed the top of your head. "It's ok. I know it hurts, mama, but I'm right here. Always and forever."

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