Somewhere Only We Know (Klaine)

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                                                                              - Losing Friend's -

    The whole day went quickly after glee club, and Blaine was walking out side to meet Kurt at his car. "Blaine!" A male's voice called, causing Blaine to whip around, meeting Sam. "Hey, I have a question."

 "Ask away." Blaine smiled.

 "Well, I am having a party tomorrow and I wanted to know if you and Kurt wanted to come?" Sam had hope filling his eyes. Blaine had Sam's back ever since the first day Blaine came to McKinley. 

 "I'll ask him, but i'd love to go." 

 "Great! Well you have my number, text me when you find out. Bye Blainer's!" With that, Sam walked off and Blaine turned around, walking to where Kurt's Navigator sat. 'Where's Kurt?' Blaine said to himself. Kurt promised Blaine that he would meet him right there, but he was no where to be seen. Blaine decided to just stand there and play Angry Birds until Kurt came.


 "Kurt, can we talk?" Mercedes asked, running up to Kurt. He inhaled deeply and nodded.

 "Make it quick, I have to meet Blaine." 

 "Well, I wanted to say I was sorry. But I really like Blaine, and-" Kurt put his finger to Mercedes lips, causing her to stop talking. 

 "Cedes' I am sorry but, Blaine is gay. You have no chance with him.." Mercedes' eye's grew dark as she inhaled a sharp breath. "Now, I must be-" 

 "Kurt Hummel, you just made the wrong choice." 

 "And why is that?" Kurt asked with a smirk tugging on his lips. 

 "Because.. I can turn Blaine straight." Kurt's brows furrowed as he rolled his eyes. 

 "Mercedes, I am sorry to say this but being gay isn't a choice. You are born like that, being gay isn't a problem, being gay comes naturally. So, I will be on my way now. Goodbye." Kurt said as he turned his heal and started walking towards the door. 

 "You just wait and see, Hummel!" Mercedes yelled, storming off the other way. 


 Kurt walked out to his Navigator, spotting Blaine sitting on the hood of the car. "Blaine, hey. Sorry I got caught up in some problem with Mercedes." Blaine looked over and seen Kurt, causing him to grin. 

 "It's okay, as long as you're okay. You're okay, right?" Blaine's eyes filled with worry.

 "Yeah, i'm fine. Come on. Are you going to your aunt's? Or are you wanting to go somewhere else?" Kurt and Blaine both got in the car, Kurt looking at Blaine. 

 "Erm..." Blaine didn't know what to say. He wanted to stay with Kurt longer, maybe have Kurt spend the night. Even though they kissed and it would make things a bit awkward, but Blaine didn't care. He looked into Kurt's glazed blue eyes and got lost in them. Thinking about their little moment that happened after he beat the shit out of Karofsky. KAROFSKY! What happened to him? Is he at the hospital? Is he at home? Well, who cares. No one likes him. Blaine pictured him and Kurt in the back seat, making out. 

 "Earth to Anderson?" Kurt said snapping his fingers in Blaine's face. Blaine blinked two times before he went back to reality. 

 "Uh, what?" 

 "I asked where you were staying." 

 "Oh, uh.. I guess my aunts." Kurt nodded and started his car, when Blaine remembered Sam's party. "Oh, Kurt?" 

 "Yeah?" Kurt asked as he pulled out of the McKinley's's parking lot.

 "Sam invited me to a party, and I was wanting to know if you would go with me?" Saying that caused Kurt to chuckle. Blaine furrowed his eyebrows and turned his head to look at Kurt. "What?"

 "I was just laughing, of course I will go." Kurt smiled. Blaine celebrated in his head as he giggled, causing Kurt to laugh. When Blaine thought back to their kiss, he couldn't help but think.. 'What are we?' He looked over at Kurt and bit his lip, asking himself if he should ask. 

 "Uh, Kurt.. I was wondering.. what are we?" Kurt made a face like he was confused, but soon caught on. 

 "Well, I mean.. what do you want to be?" Blaine thought a moment.  'Kurt is my soul mate, I can feel it. I love him, he's so beautiful. God I just wanna kiss him right now.. but he's driving.' 

 "I want to be with you Kurt, but that's only if you want to be with me." Blaine was nervous when he said that. He's never said anything like that, and he thought it sounded kind of selfish. 

 "Blaine, of course I want to be with you. Yeah we have only known each other starting Thursday, which was yesterday, but you are my soul mate and I know it." Blaine blushed because he had said the same thing. "The thing is-" Blaine's face dropped. "I don't want you getting hurt by the football team, Blaine. I wouldn't know what to do with myself." Blaine reached over and grabbed Kurt's hand, intertwining their fingers. 

 "Kurt, trust me. I can handle it, just please.. be mine?" Kurt grinned and it brightened the whole day. When Blaine saw Kurt grin, he grinned also, showing how happy he was. 

 "Blaine Anderson, I will be your's if you will be mine."  Kurt pulled into Blaine's aunt's driveway, turning his face and looking at Blaine. 

 "I will be your's, Kurt Hummel." Blaine and Kurt smiled, leaning in and kissing each other. Kurt put his hand on Blaine's cheek bone and he flinched. Kurt immediately pulled back and furrowed his eyebrows in worry. Then remembering that Karofsky hit him there, Kurt's eyes grew wide. 

 "Blaine I am so s-" Kurt was cut off by Blaine's lips pressed against his. 

 When they both pulled away, Blaine smiled and opened the car door. "I love you, Kurt." 

 "I love you too, Blaine." Kurt said as Blaine hopped out of the car, walking up to his aunt's door. 

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