Somewhere Only We Know (Klaine)

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                                                                - Broken Hearts Leave Open Scars? - 

  "Santana, I really have no idea what to do! Kurt just left, and I haven't heard from him in at least four hours and usually he can't go an hour with out me!" Blaine yelled throwing his face in Santana's purple pillow. She sighed, sitting down beside Blaine, rubbing his back. 

 "Just give him time, he'll come around." With those words, Blaine shot up and looked dead into Santana's eyes. 

  "Give him time? GIVE HIM TIME?! I'VE GIVEN HIM FOUR HOURS! IS THAT NOT ENOUGH!?" Santana's breath hitched, in dismay. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

  "Get out.." 

  "What?" Blaine asked sniffling, narrowing his eyebrows. 

  "Get. Out." Santana's eyes opened and she had the look of demise in them. Blaine stood up, shaking, and walked out, and into the pure, stinging, rain. He ran and ran, until he reached Kurt's, running up to the bathroom, locking to door behind him. 


  Kurt walked into the hospital, hand in hand, with Caleb. The little boy forced Kurt to let him go, they were soaked because Kurt's car was at the school, just like Blaine's. Kurt had to admit that Caleb and him were a bit identical, both loved music. Once they reached the front desk, the women looked at him and winked. "Uh.. hi, uhm.. is there a boy in here named David Karofsky?" Kurt asked getting a squeeze from the other younger boy. The girl typed away on the little tiny black keyboard that needed to be cleaned. She spoke up. 

  "Ah yes, he's in room 21. Just take the elevator and then go left, you will find it." She smiled. Kurt nodded and was about to take off, when a hand gripped his arm. Thinking it was Caleb he looked down, but Caleb was looking straight ahead. It was the women who had just talked to him. 

  "Can I help you?" Kurt snapped sighing. 

  "Well yes, may I have your number?" Kurt crunched his face and felt Caleb shudder from the coldness.

  "I'm sorry, but I am in a relationship." Kurt  smiled  and continued walking. They stepped into the elevator, soon being brought to a piano, song. About to make Kurt cry, but nothing came out. Caleb tugged Kurt's hand a bit, causing him to look down. 

  "Kurt, she was pretty." 

  "I know she was." 

  "Then why did you not give her your number?" Kurt laughed and shook his head. 

  "Because I'm gay." Caleb grinned and the door opened, causing them to step out. 

  "My daddy was too! But he's gone now... I had a mommy but then he told her it wasn't gonna work because he was gay, and she left. I have never heard from her since. I live with my G-maw but she's gonna be gone soon. That's why I go to the park, to think about." Kurt's eyes widened. 

  "I'm so sorry."

  "It's okay, I will live in the street's again. Me an my daddy did before." Kurt's face tightened, that's horrible! 

  "Want me to talk to my dad and see if you can stay?" Kurt asked as they turned left, down the hall. Caleb's face brightened. He squealed like Rachel did when Finn would say something sweet to her. 'I have to call that girl!' Kurt thought.  

  "Please!" Caleb yelled. A little too loud, getting a sh from a few nurses. Kurt nodded and smiled, soon walking into David's room. He looked up, surprised at who was there. 

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