Somewhere Only We Know (Klaine)

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                                                                              - Forget - 

  It was eight o'clock and Blaine had just got out of the shower, he sighed and sat down on his bed, thinking about the bruise on his cheek. He put his hand on the bruise, why did this have to happen? Is this what happens when you fall in love? No one will ever know, not now, and not later. Blaine stood up and walked up to the mirror, looking at himself. There were dark circles under his eyes, and his cheek looked worse then what he had thought. Blaine didn't know what had come over him, then he kept thinking... it was... love? Yes, that's what it was. Because Blaine loved Kurt, he had to stand up to all the people who fucked with him. Anger rose in Blaine as he thought of Karofsky and Azimio pushing Kurt around in this little circle. He had to throw some punches, so he walked down to the garage, eyeing the punching bag. That was his stress relief. Blaine walked over to a stand with a iPod speaker, he opened his iPod up and chose a song, then set it in the slot. He walked over to were his gloves were, and put them on, walking to the punching bag. 

 Walking in a sweat again,

Another day's been laid to waste,

In my disgrace.

  Blaine started punching, and letting his anger out. 

 Stuck in my head again, 

Feels like I'll never leave this place,

There's no escape,

I'm my own worst enemy

  These word's playing in the song, fit Blaine so much. He felt as if this world, there was no escape to get out of it. 

   I've given up,

I'm sick of feeling,

Is there nothing you can say?


 Take this all away!

I'm suffocating,

Tell me what the fuck is wrong with me?!

I don't know what to take,

Thought I was focused but I'm scared,

I'm not prepared!

 I hyperventilate,

Looking for help somehow, somewhere,

but no one cares,

I'm my own worst enemy,

 I've given up,

I'm sick of feeling,

is there nothing you can say? 

Take this all away!

I'm suffocating,

Tell me, what the fuck is wrong with me?!


 Put me out of my misery!

Put me out of my misery!

Put me out of my,

Put me out of my fucking misery!!!

 I've given up,

I'm sick of feeling,

Is there nothing you can say?!

 Take this all away!

I'm suffocating!

Tell me, what the fuck is wrong with me!


 By the time the song was over, Blaine had sweat running all down his face, he was also breathing heavily. He didn't know his aunt was standing in the doorway, shocked. She has never seen Blaine like this, she didn't know Blaine could get like this, just like Kurt...

 "Blaine?" She said in a shaky voice. Blaine whipped around and saw the way she was looking at him. "Blaine honey.. I think you need to-" 

 "Don't.. just.. don't." He said in a husky, raspy voice, pulling his gloves off. 

 "Blaine you just need to g-" 

 "I SAID DON'T!" He yelled slamming his gloves down on the floor. His aunt let out a tiny whimper, in horror and she backed away, slowly. After Blaine had realized what he had done, his aunt was gone, out of the house, just gone. He fell to his knees, crying loudly. Blaine couldn't handle himself right now. 

 "FUCK!" He yelled when he got back up, punching the wall, 

  Blaine's phone started ringing in his pocket, so he dug it out and answered it without looking at the caller ID.

 "Blaine?" The familiar voice rung through his phone. 


 "I was just calling to s-" On the other line, Kurt swore he heard a muffled sob. "Are you crying?" 

 "Yeah.. Uh.. can you come over?" Blaine asked, sniffling.

 "Of course! I'll be over there in like 10 minutes okay?" 

 "Okay.. I love you." 

 "I love you too." Both boy's hung up and Blaine sulked into the living room, sitting on the couch. He covered his face with his hands and sobbed, and sobbed. 


Kurt opened the door and jumped out, running to Blaine's door, knocking. "Blaine!! Come on.. open up!" Kurt yelled still knocking. Blaine opened the door and stared lazily at Kurt, tear tracks down his face. His eyes puffy, his face bruised, he looked like a hot mess. Kurt threw his arms around Blaine, as he started to cry again. 

 Blaine was so grateful to have a friend like Kurt, better yet, he was glad that him and Kurt were together. Kurt walked them over to the couch, still holding onto one another, and sat down. He pulled away and looked Blaine in the eye. "Blaine, baby.." He wiped his tears away with his thumb, looking sentimental at Blaine. 

 "Kurt, can.. can we just cuddle?.." Blaine asked as Kurt nodded, putting his arm over Blaine's shoulder. He layed his head on Kurt's shoulder, closing his eyes. Kurt kept on whispering reassuring things in Blaine's ear.

 About twenty minutes later both of them were asleep on the couch, tear tracks down both of their faces. Thinking the same thing.

 'I love him.....' 

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