Somewhere Only We Know (Klaine)

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                                                                                       - Loving Surprise -

  Blaine was talking to Rachel about his little surprise for Kurt today. He needed to do this, because if he didn't, he wouldn't know when to do it. He wouldn't even know if he could. She was all in for it. 

 Blaine told everyone about his plan, even Burt and Carole they were all in for it. Kurt walked into the hallway were Blaine and Rachel were, he looked back and fourth to them.

  "You're not steeling my boyfriend again are you?" He asked Rachel.

  "No, Kurt." She said looking at Blaine. Blaine grabbed Kurt's hand. 

  "Meet me outside in 30 okay?" 

  "Okay?" Kurt kissed Blaine and walked away, going to his next class.

----------------------------------------------- 30 minutes later --------------------------------------------------------

  Kurt walked outside, looking around. He seen all of the football players, their backs turned to him. He kept walking, when he got in the middle of the field, everyone turned around. Starting to sing, which caused Kurt to start freaking out. Then he heard it, Blaine's heavenly voice. 

 I walked across an empty land

I knew the pathway like the back of my hand

I felt the earth beneath my feet

Sat by the river and it made me complete

  Kurt kept walking, all of the football players were holding signs. 'Keep walking, then turn a left. (; ' One of the signs said. Kurt smiled, and kept walking. He walked down the line of football players, then turning a left. Leading him under the bleachers. He seen almost all of The Warblers.

 Oh simple thing where have you gone?

I'm getting old and I need something to rely on

So tell me when you're gonna let me in

I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin

  When Kurt got down to the end of the line, Sebastian was holding a sign and smiling wide. The sign said 'Keep going baby, straight then go in the woods..'  He kept walking, until he reached the bleachers. Seeing all of Vocal Adrenalin. 

 I came across a fallen tree

I felt the branches of it looking at me

Is this the place we used to love?

Is this the place that I've been dreaming of?

 Kurt was in tears, happy tears. He had no idea what was going on. Jesse was holding the sign on the very end. He didn't like Jesse because of what he did to Rachel but right now he didn't care about that. The sign said 'Kurt, come in the woods.'  Kurt kept on walking, until he got into the woods. Seeing David Karofsky, holding a sign. He gave Kurt a rose and nodded. Kurt read the sign. 

 Oh simple thing where have you gone?

I'm getting old and I need something to rely on

So tell me when you're gonna let me in

I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin

The sign said 'Now look behind you.' Kurt turned around, seeing the football players, Vocal Adrenalin, New Directions and all of the cheerleaders.  They were all singing. Then they all started forming a pathway for Kurt. They all were holding roses. When Kurt walked down the path, getting a rose each time. 

 And if you have a minute why don't we go

Talk about it somewhere only we know?

This could be the end of everything

So why don't we go

Somewhere only we know?

Somewhere only we know?

 Blaine walked out from behind a few trees, singing. He gave a rose to Kurt, holding his open hand that wasn't holding the roses. Blaine was smiling, and crying. Along with Kurt. What was he planning? 

  Oh simple thing where have you gone?

I'm getting old and I need something to rely on

So tell me when you're gonna let me in

I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin

And if you have a minute why don't we go

Talk about it somewhere only we know?

This could be the end of everything

So why don't we go?

So why don't we go?



This could be the end of everything

So why don't we go

  Blaine turned Kurt around and everyone was smiling. Then Kurt saw Burt and Carole, also Caleb who has gotten a bit bigger..  Then all the Skanks came out. Along with Lance who was also smiling. Quinn changed her whole look back to the way it was. The cheerleaders were holding signs that spelled out in big red letters 'Will you marry me?' Kurt was all on tears, Blaine walked in front of him. 

 Somewhere only we know?

Somewhere only we know?

Somewhere only we know?

 "Kurt Hummel, I have known you forever. And I really REALLY love you. I have known since the moment I have met you that I loved you and you were my soul mate. When we kissed for the first time, I felt... alive. I felt dead before I met you. We had so many ups and downs but that's what made us... Us! I asked around on how to do this, I always got the same answer. Sing. But even if I didn't this would be.. the same. Everyone supported me through this. But all that matters is your answer. So.. Kurt Hummel? My amazing friend, my one true love, will you marry me?" 

  Blaine got down on one knee, opining a box with a beautiful Diamond on it. Kurt nodded his head, crying. 

  "Y-yeah.. yeah." 

  Blaine grinned and got up, grabbing Kurt's Flowers. Throwing them all up in the air, earning cheers from everyone. He grabbed Kurt, smashing their lips together. 

 Now, they could live Happily Ever After.

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