chapter 8- "Yeah, I'm hiding something and its not so little."

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"Not until you give me back my pizza and leave." I glared at the beast. Her face twisted into an undefined I don't what and looked at Officer Collins who nodded in agreement. She shoved the pizza box into his gut making his gasp for air. Quickly she slammed the door making the drinks on the table shake.

"Holy shit! Are you okay?" I asked getting up and getting the pizza from his grip.

"Yeah, I think," he said holding his stomach.

"Not you," I scoffed, "my pizza."

I sat down and took a look at it again. Just the way I remembered it, beautifully made. I quickly took a slice and brought it to my nose. Yup, still smelled great too. I shoved it in my mouth and closed my eyes in delight.

"This is soooo goooood," I said in between bites.


"Now that you have devoured the pizza and all of Gracia's pink-frosted donuts are you ready to talk?"

"Sure thing, cowboy," I smiled, "what's your favorite color? I personally like black, elegant, but mysterious."

"That's not what I-" he stopped talking briefly and stared at me with wide eyes full of curiosity, "you know, that actually fits you."

"What fits me?" I asked confused. This cop likes playing mind games, I need to be careful.

"The color black," his lips curved up at the sides, "what exactly does your tattoo mean?" He asked changing the subject.

I was contemplating whether or not to tell him. I mean it was just a tattoo, well many, but what if he used it against me in the court of law?

"Its an aztec drawing. I have several actually. I'm going to make a belt-like thing around my hips," I stated happily. I love talking about art, especially tattoos, who cares if he uses it in court. I'll happily show the judge, "what about you? I know your hiding a little something under that uniform."

His lips contracted into a smirk and blushed crept its way to my cheeks, "Yeah, I'm hiding something and its not so little."

I choked on my own spit dramatically bending over and coughing. I wonder what the people watching and hearing behind the mirror were thinking. I would like to see their faces, probably priceless, like I'm sure mine is too at the moment. That totally got me off guard.

"Ex-excuse me?" I said trying to compose myself.

"I said," he smiled, "that my tattoo isn't so little."

I nodded not being to speak. Dirty, inappropriate mental pictures were zooming through my mind making me unresponsive to the human world. I didn't even notice the officer leave.


"Get up," a voice called to me. It wasn't one I recognized so I glared at its direction. In the door way stood an officer around my age, probably a rookie.

"Make me," I challenged. I hate it when people told me what to do. I'm not a damn dog!

"Please," he begged. His face changing to a pleading doggy pout, "you already got Officer Collins busted don't do the same to me. I just started."

"What?" I choked, "I did what? How?"

He motioned me over to the door with a wave and I followed his hand movement. I wanted to know exactly what happened. "What do you mean by busted?" But he didn't answer me instead he pushed me against the door and handcuffed me again and this time I fought back. What was his problem? I did nothing!

I elbowed him hard in the gut and ran out the door. Freedom, here I come!


joke #8

Girlfriend said to boyfriend: One kiss and I'll be your forever.

Boyfriend: Thanks for the warning!!!!

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