chapter 9- playing dead leads to nothing but trouble!

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"Stop!" The young cop called after me, but I paid no attention. My legs kept pumping as I passed a clueless cop after another. No wonder our town is shit, look at these people!

"Collins," the rookie shouted into his radio, "we got a situation. Suspect is on the run. I repeat suspect is on the run!"

I didn't look back and kept running through the narrow hallway. Up ahead was a fork-like thing. Right or left? Without thinking I darted to the closest one being the right side.

"Your a fast one!" The rookie panted a few feet behind me.

"Give up then?" I smiled trying to run faster.

"Hell no," I heard his voice getting closer making me pump harder, "Collins will have my head!"

I turned my head slightly back to check the distance and that bastard was catching up. "Hey, you know which way the exit is?"

"Yeah, keep going and turn righ- hey!"

"Thanks, rookie," I chuckled and snapped my head back just in time to quickly brake. I skidded to a stop right in front of HIM. By him I mean Satin himself. Officer Collins stood there with his arms crossed with his now, familiar smirk.

"And where do you think your going?" He asked raising an eyebrow sexily. Before I could answer the rookie stopped behind me leaning on my shoulder breathing heavily.

"Thank god you got here, she was going-"

"To the bathroom!" I interjected, "and...since I'm handcuffed, again," I said turning around and shaking my hands, "I was going to....uh, ask you, right, ask you if you could uncuff me so I can pee."

I smiled at my fast thinking and high-fived myself mentally.

"Is that why you shouted 'freedom here I come!' As you ran out the interrogation room?"


That's right, when stuck, play dumb.

"We got you on camera, princess."

Damn! When caught, play dead, like grandpa said. I looked at him then the rookie as I set my plan in motion. Think dead Babel, dead.

Without saying anything I rolled my eyes back and started to sway slowly back and forth. "I don't feel too-" I dramatically stop at mid-sentence and stumble backwards. Two strong arms embraced me and released me from the restraints on my hands and I knew my plan had worked. Now for the finale. I fell limb into the strongest arms ever to hold me and convulsed repeatedly until I "difted into unconscious". Suckers!

I'm guessing Officer Collins, clearly stronger then the rookie, scooped me up and launched me over his shoulder roughly. "You can play dead and convulse all you want, but I'm not falling for it."

Not giving up just yet, I shook again and rattled my head with each step he took. "Still not working," he informed me. And since you don't want to talk I'm talking you to the holding cell for awhile."

"Wh-What? No, you can't be serious!" I yelled while my head shot up in disbelief, "not behind bars!"

But it was too late, in one quick, fluid motion he stuffed me in a holding cell.

"You can't do this me Collins!" I shouted gripping the bars. He turn his handsomely evil face towards me and grinned.

"I'll be back for you later, princess." And with that he took off.

"Satin!" I yelled after him, but nothing. He disappeared and left me alone. Again. I turned on my heel quickly just to realize I had an audience the whole time. Blush invaded my cheeks as I looked around the cell, eyes piercing through my skin and smiles that were caused by my stupidity. Again, I'm the joke. Great. I darted to the empty space on the bench on the far left wall and sunk into it embarrassed. This was going to be a long night.


Joke #9

The aspiring psychiatrists were attending their first class on emotional extremes. "Just to establish some parameters," said the professor to the student from Arkansas, "What is the opposite of joy?"

"Sadness," said the student.

And the opposite of depression?" he asked of the young lady from Oklahoma.

"Elation," said she.

"And you sir," he said to the young man from Texas, "how about the opposite of woe?"

The Texan replied, "Sir, I believe that would be giddy-up."

Lol....get it. What cowboys say to the horses?

P.S leave your comments they are much appreciated! :D

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