Chapter 14- I'm sorry, now leave... please?!

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"Can you take the blindfold off?" Liam asked casually.

"No!" Kara and I shouted at the same time. God, this guy was unbearable. He talks to damn much!

"We have said no for the past damn hour, what would make us change our minds now?" Kara said pissed off, her cheeks flushed red and her nose flaring, "this is your fault! Why do you have twin?!" Kara asked running a hand through her face. I shook my head. I guess its time to rescue her.

"Let's drop him off at the park on the corner of Fair and Kimble, call him a cab and never, EVER, see him again." I said smiling pleased with my plan. It was smart and safe.

"No! I need John! John needs to suffer!" Kara yelled pulling her hair, "do you know what he did to Diana? To Terry?"

"You know all those crazy, to put it nicely, ladies? No wonder you kidnapped me!" Liam interjected, "do you know what those...ladies did to John? More importantly to me? They should be a freakin' mental hospital!"

"What are you trying to get at Liam?" Kara sneered, "that we are crazy? Because I'll have you know-"

"Hey," I gasped, "I didn't kidnap him! That was all you," I glared at Kara.

"Same difference," she said waving her hand dismissively to me focusing back to the twin, "and I'll have you know I, We, are not crazy."

"Right..." He scoffed, "and the robber caught on camera didn't rob the store."

"Hey!" I butted in, "enough. My head hurts and your voice is starting to get very, very, annoying." I turned to Kara, "now let forget about John and the crazy girls and focus on uh, Liam here. I just want him out!" 

"What's wrong with me? I am great company!" He said displaying hurt behind the blindfold.


"No, I'm not leaving!"

"Liam, get up. Come on. Please? I want to go to sleep already. This was just one big misunderstanding. I am terribly so-"

"No, you took me, now you suffer the consequences. I'm hungry!" He grunted digging himself deeper into the leather sofa. Between me and Kara, we couldn't even budge him. He was so damn massive.

"God! What's John number? Just call him and tell him to come pick up his obnoxious brother up. I'll even pay him!" I yelled enervated. This was sooo draining.

"Where's my gun?" Kara asked popping her head up like a gopher. She looked around until she spotted her "gun". It was an airsoft pistol I brought months ago in walmart for a match with our neighbor down  

the hall. Which I won. Got him right on the chin. It was great.

"Gun?" Liam chuckled, "where did you get it walmart or target?"

Kara gasped turning her head to look at me, and I shrugged. "He's good."

Kara rolled her eyes and let out a giggle. "I can't believe John has a twin. I mean you guys look identical but-"

"But he's hotter?" Liam butted in, "yeah, we get that all the time. He's more "dangerous" looking, right? Evokes your bad side?" He looked peeved which I could relate too. Me and Kara weren't related, but people did the same to us.

"Well, yeah," she giggled again, "that's why Diana is so hooked on him."

"That's an understatement. She's obsessed. She stood outside our apartment for a whole day, waiting for John to get home, but he was already inside."

Hearing them talk about John was annoying. He sounded like a jerk. A plan started to form in my head while I stared at the blank tv across the room. "What do you want to eat?" I asked suddenly causing both Kara and Liam to stop talking.

"I feel like-"

"Well let's get you to the kitchen," I said cutting him off and ushering him off the sofa. When he obliged I quickly and silently motioned Kara to open the front door. Her slow working brain finally caught up and she rushed for the door.

"So do you like eggs or hamburgers?" I asked as I led him out the front door. Finally, I could almost see the light at the end of the tunnel. Liam was on his way out and I was going to be able rest.


I hope this one is longer :D


A woman woke up one morning to find a ferocious-looking gorilla in a tree on her African plantation. She quickly phoned the local game warden, who arrived minutes later. In one hand he held a shotgun, and in the other the leash of a fierce Doberman pinscher. As they walked to the tree, the warden explained, "What's going to happen is that I go up the tree, throw the gorilla out, and the dog clamps his teeth on the gorilla's balls." The woman nodded and was surprised when he handed her the gun. "You know how to use this?" he asked. "I do," she said, "but what's it for?" The warden replied, "Well ..... sometimes the gorillas are pretty tough and throw me out of the tree. If that happens, I want you to do one thing." "Shoot the gorilla?" "No," he answered, "the dog."

lol get it?

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