Chapter 25- I guess I'm out for revenge too.

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Thanks for reading, ClarissaYo, it means tons :D


Liam's POV

"Were you not here just a couple hours ago?" a familiar voice said with slight disappointment lacing it.

"Yeah," I said sheepishly scratching the back of my neck, "but in my defense the charges were dropped."

"That's not the point," the older Officer spoke as he took a seat across from me. His eyes tired and in his hand rested a pink frosted donut, "why are you here this time?"

"I'm not sure," I smiled looking around, "I was hoping you would tell me."

"Right," he said taking a bite of his donut, "What do you have to do with the young red-head?"

"Babel?" I asked leaning closer to the Officer. His mustache filled with bright pink frosting, "you can say we are a way. Why?"

"Don't worry about it, son," he spoke again taking another bit from his donut, "What about the brunette?"

"Kara?" I asked wearily, my thoughts wondering back to the day I was kidnapped, "same."

"And you expect me to believe that, son?" his voice inching in volume, "Don't think your off the hook."

"Off the hook?" I echoed his voice confused, "off the hook of what?"

"Since your not pressing charges against Babel and Kara for kidnapping you are being charged with the same crimes as they are, minus kidnapping and attempted murder, of course."

"Murder?" I asked shocked. What is he talking about, murder? He must be confusing Babel and Kara with some other people.

"No, son," he said swallowing, "attempted murder, they didn't kill anyone, luckily. But they sure tried too."

"I don't believe you," I growled leaning back, "I want evidence, proof, that what your talking about is true."

"Demanding?" Garcia smiled taking a bit of his donut again, "you should be a cop son, you have the attitude and build. I was just like you before," he tapped his belly, "life got in the way." He smiled as he got up and exited the room.

My mind swirled with thoughts of what the cop said. Babel a k-kiler? No, she couldn't be. He's just trying to rile me up, doubt Babel and Kara so they can stuff us all in cells for a long time. Yeah, that it. I closed my eyes and allowed my mind to go blank. Stressing about things like these, which weren't true, was making me crazy. I guess John's is right, I do over react over the smallest things. But then again murder is small. But attempted murder is nothing, a small voice called from the depths of my conscientiousness, the cop is probably lying, it said again. I nodded thinking back to when we were at the donut shop. Collins, god how that name made me angry, what did he want with Babel anyways? Like he was always looking for her, looking at her with want and...

With out thinking I slammed by fist into the metal table making it rattle. Just thinking about it made my skin crawl and my blood boil.

"Calm down, son." a voice soothed making me jump up slightly. I didn't even realize Garcia inside the room.

"Sorry," I mumble looking away from him and staring blankly at the cream wall, "I was just thinking."

"I could tell," Garcia smiled knowingly, "So, son, is there anything you want to say about what happened during the kidnapping?"

I looked at him, my anger subsiding replaced with a smile just remembering all that happened that night, it was priceless. "I wouldn't call it kidnapping," I said with a laugh, "it was a couple of friends messing around town doing things, little things, out of desperation."

"Desperation?" Garcia raised and eyebrow, "please explain."

"Well...," I laughed, "would getting chased by a gang count as desperation? Because it sure felt like it at the moment."

"Gang?" Garcia said taking out a donut from somewhere, "where exactly?"

"I'm not sure," I said furrowing my eyebrows, "it happened so long ago. Wait, why are you investigating this now? This all happened a couple months ago."

"Looks like you don't know your so called friends," Garcia said wearily taking a bite from his donut, "Come on," he said standing up. I followed him as we excited the small room. We walked down the hall until we came face to face with another door, "go on," he said opening the door, "I'll be back later."

I nodded and walked into the room just to be greeted with a dazed John on the floor. "John," I said running to his side, "what happened?"

"The lady cop," he grunted as I helped him up, "she tazed me."

Anger arose in me, and not because the cop tazed John -which I'm pretty sure he deserved- but because I didn't get to witness that moment in time. His first time getting tazed, man, now the second time wouldn't be as funny. "Are you okay?" I asked trying not to laugh. He sat down on a chair as he glared at me. Sitting opposite to him, I let out the laugh the was making my cheeks itch.

"Yes, I'm fine," he growled, "I want to get even and I know how to do it."

"How?" I asked chuckling. His hair was standing up and his eyes seemed more grayish-blue then before, where's a camera when you need one?

"Let's just say I'm extremely happy I've met Babel." his voice was low and full with malice. I knew my brother and this wasn't good. He was out for revenge.

"Wait, Babel?" I choked, glaring at him, "leave her alone."

"Whoa, there brother," he smirked, "soft spot for the red-head?"

"That's none of your business, just leave her alone," I warned looking at him intently making sure his right eye didn't twitch. He lies, he twitches.

"Oh, sweet brother of mine," he smiled leaning forward, "nothing is going to happen to her. She just going to help me out with a few things. Oh, and brother?"


"Your going to have to help me too." His eyes held a creepy smile to them and his lips his infamous smirk. I just shook my head. Well, its not like I have a choice.


Joke #25

why did the mayonnaise blush ?

"Because it saw the salad dressing."

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