Chapter 12- it all started with a creepy, barrowed, white van...

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"Well, It all started with a white van...."


"Babel, why the hell do you have that creepy white van?"

"My car broke down. This was all the mechanic had."

"Gosh, I feel like a kidnapper."

"Yeah, you look like one too. why do you have a ski mask?"

"Well, I saw you pull up in this so I thought it would be funny to-"

"No!" I yelled cutting her off, "whatever your thinking, No!"

"Come on! Don't be a party pooper, plus you owe me, member? You member." She laughed wiggling her eyebrows. I shook my head as we got in the van.

"No, no, no. I'm not doing whatever your thinking!"

"Fine," she huffed slamming the door, "at least take me to where I need to go."

I nodded and turned the van on. "Where too?"

"Just go straight, turn at the stop sign and continue going straight."

The night was dark and very lonely. Not one soul in sight.

"Here, stop. I'll be back. Do. Not. Move," she growled. I nodded and looked forward, out the windshield. We were parked behind a shady alleyway.

"Don't move!" I heard a woman's voice yell, "stay down, or I'll pierce your damn head with a fresh bullet, you lying, cheating bastard!"

I froze. No she didn't.

"B, get your ass off and help me!"

She did.

I groaned and slammed my head into the steering wheel. I hesitantly walked out the van to where Kara had a young man kneeling with his hands tied up. He slowly tried looking up to me, but Kara quickly pushed his shaggy black haired hair downward. "Don't look at her!"

"What the fuck Kara?" I shrieked throwing my hands all over the place, pacing all over the dark alley way.

"I'll explain later, right now let's get him in your van."

Stupidly, I did what she said. We shoved him in the van and I took off, speeding like a maniac.

"What the hell, Kara? I thought we agree we weren't going to do this? We can go to jail!"

"Calm down," she laughed shaking her head casually, "no one saw anything. And," she paused and looked at the guy in the back, "if someone decides to rat us out after we are done having fun with him, I will personally cut off his-"

'Kara!" I yelled cutting her off, "are you listening to yourself?! I will not take part of this!"

"To late, baby girl." Her grin was evil and menacing, "you can't stop a rolling wave!"

I rolled my eyes. I guess I should loosen up, right? You only live once. "Where to?"


Another cliffhanger! Muahahaha!  

Anywho the flashback will continue on for a couple of chapters...  

Comment, vote and fan if ya' like it :D tell me what your think so far :)

Joke #12

"Mister, why doesn't this cow have any horns?" asked the young lady from a nearby city. The farmer cocked his head for a moment, then began in a patient tone, "Well, ma'am, cattle can do a powerful lot of damage with horns. Sometimes we keep'em trimmed down with a hacksaw. Other times we can fix up the young 'uns by puttin' a couple drops of acid where their horns would grow in, and that stops 'em cold. Still, there are some breeds of cattle that never grow horns. But the reason this cow don't have no horns, ma'am, is 'cause it's a horse."


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