chapter 27- and we all fall down....

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Babel’s POV

I slumped down on the table groaning. This couldn’t be happening. Stupid Kara, we agreed never to speak of that incident ever again. I’d rather get stuffed into a jail cell then remember what happened that night at the hospital. Sure, I was a huge misunderstanding and now they were trying to pin attempted murder to out rap sheet, but it was nothing like that. I groaned loudly as I heard the other cop, Liam and John enter the room. Man they were going to hear this too… gosh.

“Alright,” Collins said. I could hear the smile in his voice making groan again, “Get up Babel, Kara made the deal now you must tell us. Don’t leave anything out, okay.” I looked up and saw his wink followed with the smirk that I’ve seen before.

“Then why doesn’t she tell you?” I asked glaring at his amused face.

“Well because she isn’t the one running away shirtless,” He retorted with a smug look as he pulled out the pictures again.

Sighing I straightened up. This was going to be embarrassing.

I cleared my throat and cracked my neck loudly. “So it all started when….”

“It all started when what?” Collins asked impatiently as I froze. My mouth no longer could move and my mind was swirling with possible ways to say the truth in the most mature and unchildish way where we, but mostly me since Kara was already noted down as crazy, could seem like normal people that make dumb mistakes not dangerous criminals that go around from hospital to hospital trying to kill old citizens. 

“I-I cant do this!” I blurted out, “I refuse to speak! Fifth amendment! Fifth Amendment!” I shouted standing up as the chair behind me flew out and smacked the wall with a crash.

“What do you mean ‘you refuse to speak’?!” Collins growled standing up moving closer to me, “the deal is made, you have no choice. Now Princess,” he said picking up the chair and placing it behind me, “speak before you do a whole lot of time in a cell.”

“Hey!” Liam shouted standing up also, “do not speak to her in that tone! She doesn’t have to speak if she doesn’t want too. Kara made the deal, not Babel so if anything you should be pressuring her to talk.”

“Alright then, Kara speak up,” Collins said focusing his penetrating stare to Kara. Her eyes glazed over and she fell. Yep, she fell to the side and landed with a loud thump on the floor leaving all of us stunned and confused. 

“I think she fainted for real,” I said furrowing my eyebrows together. The only other time this has happened was when…oh, shit. I rushed to her side followed by the two officers. “She really did faint. This happened before when she had to give a speech and oh god! Kara…kara,” I said patting her cheek lightly, but nothing. The cop that came in with the twins quickly picked up Kara’s pale body and rushed out the door. I bolted up quickly behind him until I was reeled back by a strong grip.

“And where do you think your going?” Collins growled in my ear, “I’m slightly pissed off at you right now.”

I shivered as his soft growled traveled down my spine to the tips of my toes. “Uh…,” was all I could stutter out my lips. If only I could-

“Let go of her, Officer,” Liam growled, “That’s no way to hold a lady.” 

Liam’s voice quickly shook me out of my daze and I realized the position we were in. Collin’s muscular chest was pressed against my back and my….you get the idea. I quickly backed away from his warmth and looked at Liam trying to calm him down with my eyes. If only he knew how much I enjoyed Collins’ closeness.

“I believe its none of your business, Criminal.” Collins retorted inching closer to Liam, “I suggest you sit back down I wouldn’t want to force you.” his voice was calm and steady as he pushed his big index finger against Liam’s chest poking him hard.

“Did you just poke my brother?!” John said shocked standing up. He looked appalled, but I wasn’t buying it. He had something in mind, and I don’t think I like it.

“What are you going to do?” Collins challenged. He clearly didn’t like John or Liam, especially not Liam.

“Police brutality! Police brutality! Police brutality!” 

I looked at John in disbelief as his deep, manly voice rang through the room and he banged the walls and the table. In no time the room was swarmed with cops and we all went down….including Collins. 

Shit….I think I should have just confessed. 


i know its short, and its been forever but i will upload more often and i have been re-inspired to write this story lol. i hope you enjoy it :D

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