Chapter 22- Arrested at a donut shop, that has to be a new one!

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"Are you just going to stand there smiling like a retarded elephant or let us in?"

I turned to glare at John -my death for sure glare- and promptly flipped him off, "No, John. Dirty dogs aren't allowed in the apartments, sorry. Come on, Liam." I smiled at him ushering him in.

Before I could walk in the door I was shove roughly. "Yeah right," John laughed, "not after driving you fat ass around town looking for your crazed friend."

"I am not fat!" I scoffed closing the door.

"You are, but then I wouldn't have anything to hold on too," Kara laughed. Wait Kara?!

"You filthy, dirty, raunchy," I yelled running towards her, "ass-faced bitch!"

"Yes?" She asked raising an eyebrow. I jumped on to her gripping her like a teddy bear.

"You ditched me!"

"Hey! In my defense he caught you first, what was I suppose to do? Wait for him to drop you off?"

"N-no, but you could've like said something," I squeaked digging my face in the crook of her neck, "I thought you died or something!"

"Me? Please!" She said rubbing my back tenderly, "I missed you too, that was like the longest we've been apart, huh?"

I nodded silently. I really thought she was gone, out of the country or something.

"Well, this is nice," John said in a bored tone, "the elephant and hippo finally reunite, isn't this a sight for soar eyes? Maybe I should call National Geographic."

"Shut up already, John," Liam hissed, "your annoying."

"Diddo on that," Kara hissed, "who let the dirty dog in anyways?"

I stifled a laugh and crawled off Kara. "Well I'm starved."

"You would be, Elephant."

"Let's go to the donut shop down the street," I suggested ignoring John's comment.

"Alright, let me get my shades," Kara said running to her room.

"But its dark out?" Liam said slowly looking at her confused.

"I don't want to get recognized," she said in a 'duh' tone.

"You need a whole different face, and not because you'll get recognized, but for the well-being of the whole human race," John sneer with an evil chuckle.

"I want a pink frosted donut," I smiled getting my keys and ignoring John.

"I want a fix of caffeine," Kara echoed as we went down the hall.

"And I want," Liam paused dramatically looking at me with a sly smirk, "a glazed donut with a hot chocolate."

"I want-"

"No one cares," the three of us shouted at John.

"Jeez," I said putting his hands up in surrender, "I was just trying to inform you guys."

"What if you shut it?" I hissed partially jogging to my car. Man, with each step my mouth was watering more and more. I just want those fluffy, pink donuts Garcia had, they were like heaven in a bite of dough.

We all crammed into my baby and I let the engine roar as soon as the door closed. I needed my fix of donut pronto.

"Are you okay?" Liam asked from the back seat.

"I. Need. Donut."

"She gets like this when she's lacking sugar in her body. Its a rare disorder or something like that..." Kara said dismissively, but I wasn't really paying attention. My mind had closed off everything else out except the road and my donut.

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