chapter 29- Wait, wait what?!

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“Your father is angry, Aiden, extremely angry. I still don’t know why I didn’t notice the difference earlier. We could’ve all gotten fired, boy. You know that right?”  

I opened my eyes. Who’s Aiden?

“I know, I’m sorry, Garcia. I shouldn’t have agreed.” 

“You know that this whole case is dismissed and your brother has been suspended for a week without pay?”


“What’s going on?” I interjected no longer feeling sleepy. Brother, case dismissed, Aiden?! What the hell was going here!

“Everything shall be explained in a bit, young lady,” Garcia said opening the door to an interrogation room, “just take a seat. Make yourselves comfortable, there’s coffee and donuts, the Captain will be here shortly.”

I sighed and nodded, perking up instantly as I saw the shimmering pink-frosted donuts. Its been so long. I took a seat without paying attention to the others, took a sip of the fresh-smelling coffee and stuffed my face into a donut. My sugar level is low, I need to refill. 

“Your like an ant,” Collins said rolling his eyes as he took a seat next to me. Liam also took a seat next to me followed by John. 

“How so?” I asked with a mouth full.

“Ants always are where there’s sweets, but whatever. Hey, when we get out of here can I take you out?” 

The few pieces of donut I had in my mouth flew out sticking to the double mirror in front wall of us. Shock was an under statement. 

“Is that a no?” Collins laughed.

“Y-you’re a cop,” I stuttered.

“So?” he smirked, “what if I told you I wasn’t a cop?”


“That’s right boy, you ain’t a cop and if you ever do this again neither will your brother.”

I looked up startled by the deep, full of authority voice that sounded around the whole room silencing everyone. There stood an old man, bald and full of wrinkles. I blinked and kept blinking, why? I don’t know.

“Dad,” Collins said, “it wasn’t my idea this time, I swear! It wont happen again.”

“Of course it won’t happen again,” the captain yelled, “if it does I WILL arrest both of you. You for impersonating an officer and your brother for misuse of the law. Now,” he stopped talking to his son and turned to face Liam, John, and I. his voice still the same, not nice at all, “this case is dismissed. When I say dismissed I mean that it will no longer be investigated, unless you guys get arrested again, so I suggest you three, especially you young lady, stay clear of the law, by that I mean getting arrested, of course.” 

“So, we are like free to go?” I asked. I was ecstatic, the sun was finally shining through the stormy, gray clouds and the angels were walking down singing hallelujah at full blast, “like in as I can walk out and not get shot?”

The captain sighed. “Yes, that means you can leave without getting shot, but if I were you I’d watch out for Jackson, she has it out for you and one of the twins, I believe it’s John.”

“I’m suing,” John said calmly, standing up, “so with that said my brother and I will be leaving.”

I looked at Liam who was still sitting with his hands crossed not looking all too happy. “So, why is the case dismissed exactly?”

Collins sighed heavily and ran a hand through his face. “I’m not officer Collins, I mean I’m Collins but I’m Aiden Collins not Lance Collins, who is the officer and also my twin brother….”

“Wait, wait,” I said putting my hands in the air, “Your not a cop and you have a twin brother?”

“Well, yeah. it’s a long story,” he said, “I’m sorry for the confusion. He was going to get back to work tomorrow, but the whole case with you three and Kara was just to enticing and I wanted to crack it, I guess I couldn’t.”

“Yeah, well your not a cop,” Liam growled. He stood up and looked at me intently, “are you going to stay here or what?”

“I need to go to Kara,” I said standing up, “Can-”

“I’ll take you,” Liam and Collins said at the same time. To me, he will always be Collins, Aiden sounds…foreign to me.

“What if we all go?” John said in a bored tone walking towards the door, “You guys can fight over Babel at the hospital that way we can spare the ambulance bill.”

“Shut up,” we all said at the same time, inclding the Captain. I started to laugh as I grabbed my coffee and donut and out  the Station. Thank god!

Freedom, finally, here I come!


Next chapter is the finale! yay! :D 

I'm Innocent, I swear!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora