Chapter Six- Griffin

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    It was finally Friday afternoon after a long and boring day of school and I was ready to go to the party and get it over with

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It was finally Friday afternoon after a long and boring day of school and I was ready to go to the party and get it over with. Although I'm not a really girly girl, (I'm more of a badass) I still liked to dress up every once in awhile. So I had my curling iron on and was just waiting for Chloe. I hear a knock on the door and race to open it. When I open and see my 21 year old brother, Griffin I jump into him arms and he swings me around. I don't let go until he finally says something.

" Uh, Tessa... Can you let me go?" he asks politely. I sure enough let him go and pull him into the apartment.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I ask him with excitement. It isn't very often I get to see my brother considering that he is five hours away from me.

" Well I had to come here for work. We're having a press conference this Sunday but I leave on Monday morning, so I'm here until then!" he says grinning.

" It's so good to see you Grif!" I say walking over to him and pulling him into another hug. " So would you like something to drink? Coffee, tea?" I ask him.

" Tea please." he replies. As I'm walking into the kitchen there's a knock on the door.

"I'll get it!" Griffin says walking towards the door.

As I'm walking back into the living room with my brothers tea in my hand I see Chloe squeal at the sight of my brother and then jump into his arms just like I did. Chloe has been friend with me since birth and well we grew up together and so we're best friends. I know all of her family as she does mine. And we don't get to see our parents often because they all live far away, but when we do we get really excited. If you can't tell.

" What are you doing here?" Chloe chirps finally letting go of my brother.

" I'm here for business." he simply replies.

" As glad as I am to see you we're actually going to a party tonight..." I say glancing over to Chloe. Hailey then walks into the room before Griffin as the chance to say something.

" GRIFFIN!!!!!" she yells running into his arms.

" Hi Hailey." Griffin replies laughing." And I'm here for business." he states, clearly not wanting to be asked the same question for the third time.

" Don't we need to start getting ready?" Hailey asks turning to Chloe and I.

" Yea... Sorry Grif. And if you need to crash here that's totally fine. I know how expensive hotels are." I tell him.

" Okay great cause I didn't want to ask!" he laughs.

" Want to come with us to the party?" Hailey asks him.

I shoot Hailey a glare. She then returns to me with a ' What' look on her face. I would love for my brother to come but I want to drink and have a good time... and with my brother there he would not allow that.

" Okay. But only if you girls don't drink any alcohol." he replies and Chloe, Hailey, and I all sigh in unison. He then burst out laughing. " I-I- was kidding I'm going to drink so you girls go ahead!" he says between laughs. But before I say anything I wait for him to say he's joking and that we can't drink.

" Wait you're serious?" I ask him. He just nods trying to catch his breath from all of that laughter. " Wow, you've REALLY changed!" I reply shocked at him.

" Yes I have Tessa!" he says smiling" Well I'm going to go take a shower and get ready to party!" he cheers.

" Don't take all of the hot water!" I shout after him.

" Is it just me or has he got cuter?" Hailey asks turning to face us.

" Eww! Don't think of my brother that way!" I say disgusted.

" I agree I think of Griffin as a brother, but I have to agree he has gotten hotter!" Chloe replies.

" Okay let's just go get ready!" Hailey cheers.

After two hours of doing hair, makeup and getting dressed we're ready to go. Hailey was wearing a navy floral shirt and skirt with navy wedges. And Chloe was wearing a denim colored dress with gold heels. And I was wearing a white strapless crop top with a blue skirt and gold heels. We all had our hair curled and makeup on point and we we're ready to go party!

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