Chapter Twenty- I Will Not Be Partners With Valentino!

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Chapter Twenty


Nothing this week was eventful, and honestly it was quite boring. It's currently lunch and I'm sitting with Mason and his friends, as well as mine. We've all been sitting together this week and well, it has become our new seating place at lunch. All of us get along, and surprisingly the cheerleaders don't hate us. Brianna, the captain, even invited us to a hang out tonight.

"Okay you guys are all coming over to Brianna's house tonight right?" Taylor, one of the cheerleaders asks the guys.

"Yeah we're all coming." Jordan, a jock friend of Mason's replies.

We all just continue to talk about tonight until the bell rings then we go back to class. Mason walks with me considering he has the same class as me next.

This week he's been very... flirtatious, if that's even the word. He's been complimenting me, flirting with me, CUDDLING with me even, it looks like he really wants to win this bet, but so do I. I have to win this bet.

I push away my thoughts and begin to focus on class.

"Okay class we will be doing a partner project." Mr. Campbell says to the class, and right as he says this students begin talking with one another. Trying to figure out who their partner will be, but we're cut off. "And I will be choosing your partners."

Everyone groans but waits anxiously to see who their partner is. I on the other hand could care less, as long as it isn't Valentino. Valentino this week has been trying to talk to me still, even after I told him to back off and hurt him. I need him to stop talking to me and just leave me alone. If I ever want to move on, then he needs to go. He's the whole reason why I fight. He's the reason why I'm broken. He's the reason why I was an alcoholic. He's the reason why I feel empty inside. He's the reason why I'm afraid to love again. He's the reason why I fight. He caused my whole life to turn upside down. I hate him so much that I'd be happy if the devil himself decided to drag him down to hell. I snap out of my thoughts when my name is called.

"Tessa and Valentino, you're partners. Mason and Emma..." Mr. Campbell says.

'ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME! SERIOUSLY!' I think but want to shout. I look over at Mason to see him giving me an apologetic look. He mouths 'sorry' to me and I just shake my head and turn back to the front, waiting to talk to Mr. Campbell about the partner situation.

Finally we're allowed to go with our partners. Valentino makes his way over to me but I get up as he does. I march up to Mr. Campbell ready to ambush him with reasons why Valentino can't be my partner when he interrupts me.

"No you may not change partners." Mr. Campbell says in a monotone, not even looking up from his book.

"But-" I begin, but he cuts me off again.

"No." He states once more.

"Mr. Camp-" I begin, getting frustrated but he cuts me off AGAIN.

"No. You're not changing partners. I don't care if you want to be with your best friend or your boyfriend, your partner is your partner." He says.

"Mr. Campbell you-" I ramble wanting to talk before he cuts me off again, but he does.

"No y-" He begins, but I cut him off this time. '

"Stop interrupting me and let me speak!" I yell shutting his book, causing him and the class to look up at me, " I will not be partners with Valentino. I don't care what you do to make me, I will not be partners with him. I hate him and don't want to be around him ever. He decided to cheat on me with some slut and I'll be damned if I'm partners with him. So let me change partners or I swear I'll strangle him." I shout at my teacher, not caring about what I say.

"Principal's office. NOW!" Mr. Campbell shouts at me.

I didn't care though. So I turned around to grab my things when I see the whole class staring at me with wide eyes. And being the badass bitch I am, I bow. Then I grab my stuff and leave the classroom. As I trudge my way down to the principal's office I think about what I said. Oh shit... Well at least everyone now knows about how Valentino cheated on me.

I sadly reach the office and take a seat by the door waiting my turn to go in. About two minutes later the door opens and out walks Noah.

"You've only been here for a week and you already got in trouble. Nice!" I laugh sarcastically.

"Haha very funny but actually no, I'm not in trouble. Mr. Barker wants me to tutor freshman." He says smirking.

I scoff "You're smart? You can't be with that peanut sized brain of yours!"

"Oh but princess I am. And I'm going to tutor." Noah says calling me by my nickname. "So what did you do to get in trouble?"

I smirk. " I'm sure you'll hear about it next period."

Noah begins to say something but is cut off when a shout calls my name.

"Well wish me luck!" I say winking at him. Noah chuckles at me and then leaves as I enter Mr. Barker's office. Now let me tell you that this isn't my first time in his office...

"Tessa" Mr. Barker says sternly "what did you do this time?"

"The usual, arguing with teachers. But I did have a good reason!" I object.

"Oh really. What's your 'good reason'?" Mr. Barker asks, finger quoting "good reason"

"Well you see, Valentino, who is my ex boyfriend, was assigned to be my partner. And well I refuse to be partners with him because he cheated on me with some bimbo. He broke me and still hasn't apologized. I just want to move on, and forget about him. But he moved back into town, and transferred here. I just- I just want to move on from him. He completely destroyed my heart, and I'm still trying to pick up the pieces." I explain to him bringing out the fake tears. Although every word I said was true.

Mr. Barker handed me a tissue and I wiped my "tears" away.

"Okay, I understand, and I'll talk to Mr. Campbell about the situation. And all of your other teachers where you have him in your class. But you will still have a consequence. I want you to serve three detentions after school next week. But other than that you're free to go back to class." Mr. Barker dismisses.

I only nod then leave.

hey thanks for reading please vote, comment, and share!

- Bayleigh:)

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