Chapter Twenty Five- Lies

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Before I had the chance to speak Seth picked me up and threw me over his back. I let out a yelp of shock but started punching and kicking with all my might.

"Seth put me down I'm capable of walking on my own two feet!" I scream at him as I feel the blood rushing to my head.

" Nice to see you too Tes." Seth grimaces as he walks up a flight of stairs with me still on his back.

I roll my eyes although he can't see me. " Put me down Seth!"

This time he doesn't reply and just keeps walking.

About a half a minute later Seth opens a door where I come to find Julio, his gang, and a few other men that I don't recognize sitting at a table playing poker. My body tenses not knowing what Julio has planned. I won the fight was more could he possibly want?

"Ah good work Seth." Julio nods in approval to Seth as he sets me down in a chair.

Once the blood rushes back to my head I turn and glare at Julio.

"What do you want?" I bark at him.

A middle aged man, with gray hair, beside me whistles. "Damn Julio you were right, she is feisty, and good looking!" The man says eyeing me.

I turn to him and look at the smug grin on his face.

'You won't have that grin on your face in a second' I think.

I lift my hand to slap the man across the face but someone grabs a hold of it. My head turns to see Julio standing in front of me. His tall, muscular figure forecasting a shadow on me. I freeze in fear as I notice the switchblade in his belt hollister.

"Tessa please be a good girl and don't start trouble, you remember what happened last time don't you?" Julio says calmly as if he isn't threatening me.

I nod my head, too afraid to speak. He lets go of my wrists and takes a seat right next to me on the table.

"Good, now here's what I want you to do. You're going to lose the match. I have many people who are betting lots of money on Sparks to win." Julio says bluntly.

I sit there, wide eyed.

" Julio no I can't do that! I have to win this fight tonight I need the money so I can pay my bills!" I sherik.

Julio takes a step forward before bending down right next to my ear. "Do this if you don't want the people you love to get hurt." Julio threatens into my ear.

I take a deep breath. I need this money. I was barely able to pay last months rent plus bills, and I can't ask my parents for money. I don't want to risk anyone getting hurt, but I absolutely need this money. If I don't I will be living on the streets.

"Julio I can't!" I say.

Julio moves his finger and in one swift moment someone steps forward and puts a switchblade against my neck. I suck in sharply as I fel the cold knife against my neck and slightly begin shaking.

"You're going to do this Tessa. If not you, and someone you love will die." Julio says completely serious.

I need this money, but I need my family. Torn between two sides I make my decision.

"Okay. I'll do it." I lie.

Julio look at me for a few moments before waving his hand and the switchblade is removed from my neck and Julio gives me a nod towards the door dismissing me. I quickly race back down stairs hoping that I still have time to warm up before going against Sparks.

By the time I get there I don't have time to warm up and the announcer is already in the ring.

"Ladies and gentlemen please welcome back for the second time tonight.... Delora!" The announcer yells just as I crawl into the ring.

I wave to the crowd and give a few high fives before standing in my corner. I look up to where Julio is and see him staring down at me, giving me a stern look., sending chills down my spine.

'Everything will be okay. Just fight.' I tell myself.

"Now let's give it up for the one and only Sparks!" The announcer yells again and the crowd cheers.

On the opposite side of the ring in come Sparks. His tall figure walking across the ring and over to me. When he finally is standing in front of me I can see his wondrous blue eyes, his dirty blonde hair, and the scar above his eye. He looks down at my small body compared to him and scoffs, before turning back to the announcer.

"This is who I'm going up against? A little girl?" Sparks yells to the announcer.

The announcer nods. "She's more feisty than she looks!" The announcer admits before turning back to the crowd" Ladies and gentlemen give it up for Delora and Sparks!"

And then the fight begins.

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