Chapter Eleven- We Want Icecream

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I had a really fun time writing this chapter so hopefully you guys enjoy it! Please comment, vote, and like!


Once we hop into his Bentley we start to head out of the neighborhood and neither of us has said anything.

"Want to stop for some ice cream?" Mason grins as we drive by the board walk.

"Sure!" I grin. Hey! I can't ever pass up the opportunity for ice cream.

And so Mason takes a sharp turn and then parks right in front of the little ice cream parlor. Mason hops out of the car and as I'm going to open the door he opens it for me.

"My lady" Mason says as he holds out his hand, to help me down.

I snicker but sure enough take in his kind gesture. When I'm down on the ground Mason doesn't let go of my hand as he leads me to the parlor. When we get inside we come to find that there's no one in there but a boy about the age of 17 listening to music with his headphones and is mopping the floor.

"Excuse me," Mason says but gets no reaction out of the boy, signaling he didn't hear us. " Excuse me!" Mason says a bit louder this time, but once again he doesn't hear us.

Annoyed by this I march over the the boy, rip out his headphones and yell

"EXCUSE ME!" Right in his ear.

The boy jumps and lets out a little yelp but I'm not phased at all.

"What the hell was that for?" The boy yells with anger.

" Okay one that is no way to talk to your customers. Two you shouldn't be blaring that music so loud in your ear, it could cause your eardrum to burst. And three! We want ice cream. " I yell.

The boy doesn't say anything but walks over to the counter where the ice cream is. I turn to Mason to find him grinning at me.

" What are you grinning at?" I ask.

Mason just shakes his and grabs my hand, then leads me over to the counter where the boy is waiting, for us to choose what we want so he can get back to his music.

After we get pay for our ice cream Mason leads me to the beach and we just walk along it in silence, as we hear the waves crashing against the sand. Finally after our cones are gone and we've walked for awhile I sit down, and Mason follows.

I lay back, not caring if I get sand in my hair or on my clothes, and look up at the stars. I turn onto my side and stare at Mason, not in the creepy stalker way! He has his eyes shut and I just admire his reflection. I stare at his amazingly styled hair, I travel down to his cheekbones which are flawless, then I stop at his jawline.

' My god his jawline is so perfect, and so-' I think but stop when Mason speaks.

" Having fun checking me out? " Mason asks causing a blush to rise up my cheeks.

But I play it cool and scoff. "You only wish I was checking you out."

Mason turns towards me causing us to be facing each other, our faces only inches apart. Mason doesn't say anything he just stares into my eyes, as I do his. And I swear I see something in his eyes flash but it quickly goes away.

" We should get going." Mason says standing up. I quickly nod and then we head to his Bentley.

The car ride is silent until Mason speaks up.

" I had fun tonight." He says with a toothy grin.

A giggle slips my mouth and I nod my head. " Me too."

I turn up the volume and then begin mumbling the lyrics quietly to myself. As the chorus come on Mason screams out the lyrics, causing me to jump but then laugh. By the time we get back to my house we were both screaming the lyrics and laughing trying to see who could be the loudest.

When Mason pulls up to my apartment complex I turn down the music and grin at him.

"Thank you Mason, tonight was fun." I say.

"I had fun too. Call me tomorrow okay?" Mason replies.

"I don't have your phone num-" I'm cut off.

" Yes you do, I put it in there while you were ordering your ice cream and I was waiting. " He grins.

" You went on my phone?" I shout.

" Calm down I just put my contact in. I didn't go through anything.

He says and I let out a sigh of relief. " Why don't you want me to... Are you hiding something?" Mason asks giving me a devilish grin.

" No, I just don't like people going through my things. " I admit.

" Okay well call me tomorrow. Good night, girlfriend." Mason bids with a wink.

I chuckle but make my way up to the entrance and turn around to wave good bye to Mason, but he's already gone.

As I get into the elevator right before the doors close a foot sticks in between the two doors, causing it to reopen. When the door opens there standing is the guy from the party.

I let out a chuckle but then greet him. " You again."

"And you." He says smiling.

" Floor?" I ask him.

" Eleven please. " I nod and then press the eleven and twelve buttons.

" I still don't know your name." I laugh.

He sticks out his hand and greets me properly. " Noah, Noah Stone." then wait for my level.

"So you and Mason huh?" He smirks.

"Yes indeed." I say, not knowing how to reply.

"It's funny, I wouldn't expect him to be the relationship type of guy, knowing him." He says laughing a bit.

" You know Mason?" I ask.

" Ugh yeah, we used to be friends back in middle school but then I moved away. We didn't really talk much after then, but I'm back now. " He says in a sad tone.

" Well I'm sure you two will be friends again." I say with a smile, trying to brighten his mood.

" Well nice talking to your princess see you around!" He says walking out of the elevator.

" Bye" I wave.

Once I get inside the penthouse I turn on the lights to see Griffin passed out on the couch. I quietly laugh to myself but head to my room. When I open my door and turn on my light I let out a yelp.

"Hey Tes, about time you're home." He slurs.

It All Started With Revenge(REWRITING) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ