Chapter Twenty One- Don't Try Any Stunts

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Seth's car

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Seth's car...

I snicker once I'm out of the office. 'Yes I only got three detentions!' I think to myself.

This is really lucky for me because I've gotten in trouble A LOT. I've gotten four in school suspensions, and had over twenty detentions. But they were all worth it for the pranks that I pulled to get those consequences. I mean come on, I knew there would be a punishment for putting a pen in the teachers microwave ... but it was TOTALLY worth it seeing as the pen exploded in the teacher's face as she opened the door! And all of the other suspensions and detentions I've gotten have been for talking back or getting caught cussing.

I decide to just skip going back to class and go to my locker to grab my stuff since school gets out in about eight minutes. Once I grab my things I head out to Mason's car and wait for him. I play on my phone as I wait and as I'm waiting a black audi r8 pulled into the parking lot. I don't think anything of it and just go back to playing 2048 on my phone when I someone shouts my name. I look up to see the window of the audi r8 down and in the driver's seat is Seth.

"Hey Tes we came to give you a message from Julio." Seth says grinning.

I hesitate to say anything thinking back to what happened last time I refused, but we're in a school parking lot, they won't do anything. I hope.

"Julio will be watching you tomorrow night, make sure you impress him if not there will be consequences. If you impress him, he's considering to make a deal with you." Seth retorted.

I nod. " What's the deal?" I ask.

" If you impress him you'll find out, if you don't... well you remember what happened last time. It will be ten times worse than that." Seth bossed.

As I'm about to say something the kids begin to walk out of school.

"Remember what I said Tessa, and don't try any stunts." Seth barked before driving off.

I stand up when I see Mason walking over to me quickly.

"Who was that?" Mason asks, implying to Seth.

"No one. Let's go." I answered getting into the car.

Mason crawls into his side and then starts the car. We begin to drive but he keeps sneaking glances at me. As we pull up to a red light he turns to me and looks me dead in the eyes while holding my hand.

" What's going on?" Mason expresses, concerned.

" It's nothing." I shake off, trying to not talk about it.

"Tes-" Mason starts.

"Green light, go." I blurt out.

Mason quickly begins driving again but still keeps glancing at me. He wants to know what's going on, but I can't tell him. It could put him at danger. Finally we pull up to my complex building and as I'm about to get out Mason grabs my arm and pulls me into a hug.

"If you just give me a small chance, I will prove to you that I will be one of the best decisions you've ever made. Just let me in." Mason whispers in my ear before kissing my cheek and pulling away.

Although this is all fake, I still get butterflies in my stomach and a chill down my spine. But I don't know what to say so I just nod my head then leave as fast as I can.

I quickly rush up to my penthouse and speed into my room before shutting the door and sinking down to the ground. I have so many thoughts racing through my mind. About Mason, Julio & his gang, Valentino, fighting, Gavin. Everything that's happened in the past two weeks have just been so... complicated.

Shoving all the negative thoughts aside, I head into the bathroom and take a shower. After my relaxing shower I do my hair and makeup before heading into my walk-in closet. Now my closet is what most white girls would call "goals af" but it's just normal to me. I mean even though I'm a badass doesn't mean I don't like dressing cute, I mean come on! I'm a girl for crying out loud. I vacillate between a gray tank top with jean shorts and a cardigan, or a black, short sleeve crop top with jean shorts and a flannel tied at my waist. Finally I choose the flannel outfit and then head out the door.

After about a fifteen minute ride of jamming out to my music I reach my destination. Hailey, Chloe, and the rest of the girls are already here so I make my way up to Brianna's house. As soon as I ring the doorbell the door swings open and I'm greeted by Brianna. She laughs and pulls me inside, leading me into the living room where the rest of the girls are.

"Hey Tes!" Chloe greets, pulling me into a hug.

"Hey!" I bid to everyone.

"So what's the plan?" Chloe asks Brianna, considering she's the host.

"Okay so us girls are going to eat pizza and gossip while we wait for the guys. Then when they get here we're going to have some fun." Brianna says explaining tonights schedule to us.

And so us girls gossip, eat pizza and have a good time for a few hours until finally the doorbell rings.

"I'll get it!" I yell racing to the door.

I race over to the door, fix my hair, and then open the door to be greeted by all the boys.

"Hey come on in!" I greet them, holding open the door.

All of the boys trail into the house one by one and finally the guy I'd been waiting for is at the end of the line.

"Hey" he says to me giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Hi." I reply.

"Come on you two love birds let's party!" Noah shouts from upstairs.

So we make our way up the stairs and let the party begin.

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