chapter 4 revised

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Britondii Luca pov

"Oh my God. I got the job" I repeated in my head like a mantra while I was on my way home in a cab. Even as I paid the driver when we arrived at my apartment complex the excited grin was still present on my face. I could see the driver look strangely at me. But who cared what he thought? Let him think what he wanted to. I just got a job at the Monteiro Industries. I had every right to be excited and I had been.

As I paid the driver, I ran across the apartment parking lot to my floor which was the ground floor.

I couldn't wait to give Lucas the good news. After fumbling in my purse for the key I had finally found it and opened the door.

"Lucas !" I screamed as I dashed into his room.

"Lucas " I shouted again and yanked his wireless headset off of his ear. He winced As soon as he composed himself realizing it was only me. He then yelled.

"Girl are you trying to deaf me? I need my ears to hear when my man tells me he loves me you know."

When my body shook of laughter because of the 'furious' look on his face. He muttered " Dont hate because you've never had a man."

"Whatever" I grumbled 'angrily' at his playful truthfulness. I had never been in a relationship. Honestly. And my best friend was using that against me? Why were we even friends again? I thought wryly.

"Bitch tell me how the interview went and shut up" he demanded after I sat in the leather couch beside his bed. I was wondering when he was going to ask. He probably only remembered about the interview just now because his 'anger' at almost been made deaf by me had now subsided.

"Well" I pouted feigning bad news.

"Well what Brii" he prodded stomping his foot impatiently on the tiled floor and waving his hands in the 'girl hurry up and continue ' motion.

"Well " I repeated slowly then screamed, "i got the job. "

"Yassss" he squealed and clapped his hands together in gleefullness. He then leaned over and hugged me.

"Congratulations babe" he said and kissed my forehead. "You deserve it and I am really happy for you" he pressed another  smooch onto  my head.

"Thank you baby" I replied and pecked his like . It wasn't weird to kiss Lucas on the mouth. We had been doing it since day one and he was my best friend.

Then I heard him went "Hmmm" and I knew what that innocent sound meant. It was a sound I was used to and knew well whenever he had something 'juicy' to tell me. However, this time I knew it had something to do with my boss. Sebastian Monteiro.

"What is it now Lucas?" I grinned at him faking ignorance.

"Stop torturing me you Bitch. You know what it is I want to hear. How hot is Sebastian Monteiro in real life?" When he asked the expected question my traitorous mind drifted to chiseled face and the way I stared in awe at it as I tried to memorise every inch of it.

What treachery!  My subconscious gasped, covering her mouth.

No I hadn't.

I answered his question but kept my answer vague. "He's alright"

Lucas smirked knowingly.

We spent another hour talking about our day until I yawned and got up from the couch to retire to my bedroom.

When I told Lucas 'later' he smirked at me.

"Babe and I are going out tonight so I won't be here until tomorrow "

"Ma boy is going to get some tonight" I teased thrusting my hips in a sexual position.

I heard him laugh loudly as I left his room.

I knew Lucas wanted more than anything to live with his boyfriend whom I considered as my brother and he me, his sister but Lucas always said he wouldn't dare  move out of this apartment until I did because he didn't want me to live alone in a place we had called home for years. John had agreed with him. They were the best friends I could have asked for.

Before I went to bed that night, I made sure to set my alarm clock for 5am because I didn't want a recurrence of my late awakening yet another morning. I had to arrive at work early. I couldn't help but feel that if I was even a second late Mr Monteiro would not be pleased. So I wasn't planning on it.

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