chapter 21--revised

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Hello my little cobblepots(i don't know what a cobblepot is, it just sounds nice)tell me, does it?

Britondii Luca pov

I tentatively entered the burnished white sports vehicle and sank my body heavily into the deluxe leathered seat.

I had not even spared the man in the drivers seat a seconds glance. He had not deserved it--atleast not now.

His quiet chuckle was amused and alluring even entertained. "Are you not going to greet the man with whom you will share a bed with a kiss, love? "

My face burned from increasing irritation. This man really was something else. Was he not?

Rather than responding, I slammed shut my eyes and bit my lip, hard, nearly drawing blood.

Another low laugh echoed into the now moving car. It had been silent till now. "That damn lip biting will someday get you into deep trouble Miss Luca."

Tired now of keeping still as if immobile as well as verbally disabled, I opened my phone and started to play the Temple Run Oz game.

Just the same, concentration was null, I could not focus on playing the game well. I only thought of Lucas who sobbed bitterly whilst I left when I had informed him of today's happenings.

He had pleaded for me to stay, that he and John could take care of themselves and me. But I had made my decision. I would go with Sebastian if that meant my friends would be kept safe. I was certain he would not harm me but the truth was my head told me it was not so, that I was deceiving my self.

Deciding to check up on him, I exited the game and opened the messaging application, only now realizing he had messaged me twice a few minutes prior.

Quickly I replied, informing him I was alright and questioning if he was too.

We continued our texting back and forth and At one particular message I received, a loud laugh left my lips. Leave it to Lucas Williams to always put a smile on to my face, come what may.

When Sebastian growled, the tone was hard, cold and beastly. "What is so amusing Miss Luca? "

My attention was not removed from the device into my hands as curtly I responded, "what is it to you Mr. Monteiro? "

He hissed and the car came to an abrupt unexpected stop, so sudden it was it caused my body to lunge forward.

Strong arms circled my waist, steadying me.

I gasped as the man beside me rumbled, the sound incontestably hot and seductive. His mouth was dangerously close to my ear. "Woman why do you defy me so? I will inquire only once more, who the fuck are you texting? "

His warm breath was so close to my face, it was distracting.

I remained mute.

"Miss Luca,"my name was a warning on his lips and I gasped in startle when he bit painfully my ear lobe.

"Lucas" I exhaled, stuttering. "I am speaking to my friend Lucas"

I was very much ashamed. Although adamantly I had said to myself I would not be affected by this man, still I had gone and succumbed to his charms.

Curse your foolish heart.

"Oh" he smirked and straightened himself, his posture like a king's and commenced to drive, "the rainbow boy?"

Out of annoyance, I clenched my teeth but remained silent.

The shrill tone of my phone ringing shattered the silence of the car. I looked down At the contact. Travane. I quickly rejected the call, not wanting to further aggravate Sebastian who thankfully was focused on the road rather than my cell .

The phone again began to ring.

God my subconscious hissed, crouching from fear, in a dark corner. Can he not take a hint?

My heart throbbed a pace too hard against my chest as from my peripheral vision I witnessed Sebastian stare at the noisy object in my trembling hands.

I was ready to end the call.

He wordlessly grabbed the phone and his jaw clenched as he answered it. "Boy if you ever again contact Miss Luca, I will end you"

He threw harshly the phone in to my Lap and my eyes stung with brimming tears. "Sebastian"

Once again the car stopped suddenly. "Erase his fucking number now" his words were calm but his handsome, gorgeous face was distorted from aggrandizing anger. The calmness of his voice alarmed me-- very much. "If ever again I come to know you are still in communication with your fuck boy, you will regret it."

"Sebastian" I sobbed. "Why are you behaving like this with me? "

I screamed as he drove his fist into the car's dashboard and roared in rage. "Miss Luca you are just like them. Why could you not be different? "

When he used a key card and opened the main door to his pent house, he ushered me in before him.

After we settled, Sebastian offered me something to cool downmy dried, scratched throat but I shook my head. No.

"Miss Luca. " he seated him self onto the dark leather couch on the space next to myself. "We will speak with the press tomorrow concerning our relationship also in the evening, you will accompany me to a charity ball.

I nodded and I could only think to myself, so much, so soon.

"Use your mouth to answer me damn it, " he bellowed and from fright automatically my body jerked. "Sebastian I --?"

He injerjected me. "You are so damn vocal when you are defending your fuck boy yet when I am speaking to you, you have gone mute. "

At his words I lost it and I screamed like an insane woman.

"What the hell is it that you want from me Sebastian, tell me? Does it not mean the same thing whether I nod or just say yes?"

Though I stood my ground my ground, i was terribly afraid and I had been certain Sebastian had known as I sobbed and shivered at the sane time.

His large rough hands locked tightly around my throat, cutting off the air suooly. I was unable to breathe, to utter a scream.

"Do not raise your voice in my house bitch."

He kissed me roughly and I gasped for breath. Slowly his grip around my neck lessened and tears flooded his face.

"Baby I am sorry"

Sighs. *dabs eyes*

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