chapter 20 (part2)--revised

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Hello cupcakes,

Britondii Luca pov

"Sebastian stop"with all the strength I could muster, I pushed him away from me?

How could he?

Why had he physically hurt my friend who in no way had interfered with him?

My tears had not stopped. "How dare you enter my home uninvited and abuse my---? "

He interjected, roaring. "Your what? Your man? Your lover? Your fuck boy? "

"Yes"I whispered ."my all of those. How dare you hurt him? "

Anger darkened his green eyes, however, I did not care
What if Travane's nose was broken or something was dislocated?

Although, we had gone out only a few times, I saw he was a decent man. He always treated and addressed me respectfully. He did not even remotely deserved Sebastian's rage.

He had not deserved what I had done to him.

I led him on. I allowed him to believe I had wanted more than our friendship when the truth was I only used him as a distraction. To get for a while my mind off what I felt for the man standing before me. And then what? I had hurt him.

God knows, that was never my intention.

You play with fire, you will get burn.

I did not think about the physical and emotion pain he certainly beared. I couldn't. I did not deserve to know. Not when I contributed to them both.

Really, maybe that woman and I were not very different. I selfishly used Travane for my own reasons. To fill the emptyness in my heart. The heart another man unbeknownst to him, held into his hands.

"Sebastian Monteiro, I hate you"I hissed, water leaking from my eyes, "I hate you so much. Tell me, who do you think you are? "

How ironic my subconscious patronized me, just a literal moment ago, you loved him. He was all you could think of. But now you hate him so suddenly?

Perhaps I did not really, but I hated his actions and that caused me to hate him.

He was an arrogant beast. Too arrogant.

He did that blood chilling, unamused, low laugh again. "Need I remind you who I am miss Luca?  I am Sebastian Monteiro one of the world's most powerful moguls. With just a phone call, I could destroy for life your little fuck buddy who is clearly visually impaired. Had he not noticed the intricate designs on your neck? "

Thoughtlessly, i fingered my neck. In the heat of the moment,i had disrembered them. Even if Tray had noticed them, he made no mention.

He continued,taunting me. "Did you by any chance tell him of how lustfully you moaned my name, begging me not to cease fingering you? " he mimicked a high pitched voice, which supposedly was me.

If it were another case, undoubtedly it would have been rather hilarious.

My face blazed with anger and my thoughts drifted to what he had just said--- he could ruin Travane's life.

I had worked with him long enough to know definitely he could.

He chuckled again. "I am sure it is your belief that Flame is a whore but are you any different ,swinging between two men, possibly more as if you are a fucking spider? "

Though I had thought the same. Hearing it from him, aggravated me. My palm landed across his cheek. "Get out! " I screamed.

He shook his head. "Not until you promise to move in with me Like you very well promised today. "

I bit my lip. This man was something else. Why was he so adamant that I do so? For my protection? Or was there another motive?

Initially, I had been ecstatic at the thought of being in his house---and his bed. However, his behavior today had caused me to somewhat reconsider.

Still, I had to think of my friends. What if I refused and he did carry out his threat?

I could not, would not, permit that so although uncertainly, I said. "Yes I will move in with you---if you promise to never harm my friends, Travane included."my voice was low, I was too emotionally drained to speak louder. I just wanted to fall to my knees and sob until my eyeballs fell from their sockets.

His smirk was hot as he walked to the door. "Your wish is my command, sweetheart"

I trailed behind him locking the door as he left and then I cried.

As now while I desired to detest him my foolish heart would not allow me to.

When I entered my room, I fell on to the bed and like the river with its banks washed away,I broke down.

However, this time I did not cry for myself. I cried for my friends.

For, love.

Hello muffins,

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