chapter 26 -- revised

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Hello loves,

Britondii Luca pov

All the way to my destination -- tears spilling from my eyes and my lips parched regardless of how much I had licked them-- the Blooming Flower, a small, inexpensive but lovely guest house where I would spend the night, mayhap a few days until I had sorted out my self; I bitterly chided, reprimanded myself. How could I have left my best friend as selfishly, as coldly as I had? Without even proffering to him a proper, befitting farewell?  Why? Because he would have undoubtedly urged or even peesuaded me to stay?

Yes, I had written to him a note  attached with tape to his bedroom door for him to see whenever he had risen elucidating the reasons for such a hasty, unlooked for departure with an ending paragraph of a million "I'm sorrys" but still.

That were not even negligibly equal to a correct goodbye. My heart throbbed and pounded -- I felt as though I were a thankless person. After all my best friend had done for me I had just upped and left, deserting him like that.

I bit my lip , emitting a soft whimper of melancholy as large scalding drops of eyewater continued to stream from their ducts and the more I dried my eyes the more tears leaked.

"Ma'am" the driver's voice spoke up as he glanced at me through the rear view mirror. Even in the dim, overhead light of the cab, I could still view the sympathy, the compassion in his kind eyes when mine met his. "We are almost at
your stop"

Nodding and rubbing At my eyes, softly, I responded with a shy, "thank you"then proceeded to check on my phone, the time.


"Good morning to you and welcome to the Blooming Flower." The elegant chocolate skinned woman smiled when I stopped At her desk-- a diminutive pot of flowers at each of the four edges--displaying proudly teeth as white and glistening as Sterling pearls, causing me to unconsciously glide my tongue across mine before speaking. "Hello, I would like a room for two nights please."

The woman who from the name plate she wore, I learned her appellation -- Denise, beamed once again as she typed away at the keyboard of her desktop computer. "Your name, please."

"Have yourself an extraordinary stay from us here at the Blooming Flower." Denise wished me, her Caribbean accent rich and pleasant as she handed me the key to my temporary home. Smiling I clutched the single small bag of clothes I had brought and walked to my room.

Hours after I had entered my room and the daylight were closely upon the land, on the double bed I laid, curled up into a ball my eyes wide opened as sleep forsaked me and a million and one thoughts created an uproar into my head.

Sebastian! Sebastian! Sebastian!

Lucas! John! Travane!

I thought of all the men in my life, even if I did think of one more than the others. In separate ways, they were all very dear to me.

I bit my lip as a small cry fell from my lips. "Oh God"

When the coverings of my eyes were again unlatched, I quickly closed them then they were  sluggishly reopened allowing them sufficient time to adjust to the harsh brightness of the room.

I glanced around, taking in the  bits of small details I had failed to catch sight of before such as, the fact that the bed sheets and the curtains, the bedside mat and even the small night light had decorations of flowers.


At about mid afternoon, I prepared myself to leave for the day and perhaps to shop for a few items. Anything really to distract my self from thinking about him. God knows I desired my saneness, every ounce of it.

When I had come across a small bistro, with a strong appeal of hominess, I realised how very famished I had been so I went in.

Sitting at one of the empty tables, I opened one of the disposable menu cards made from thin paper, studying it. Coffee and a sandwich sounded nice. 

Getting ready to signal for a waitress, I heard a young girl's voice exclaim, "oh my God! It is Sebastian Monteiro's girlfriend!"

Pretending to not notice the customer's curious stares, I grabbed my belongings,to wit my phone and purse and dashed out of the eatery.

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