chapter 29

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I am trying to make this story as realistic as possible. That said enjoy the chapter .

This chapter is not edited. There will be many mistakes. Some things may even not add up.

Britondii Luca pov

It has been two weeks. Two weeks trying to forget about Sebastian however I can't. But Christian who I met on my second day here who I had gotten so close to made living seem not so hard. I had told him everything about Sebastian and he had not judged me. He helped me to find an apartment a fairly cheap apartment on the day I had met him then a few days after I hot settled, a job at his "tool" of a brothers small but fancy restaurant The Choice. After a week here I used his phone to call John and Lucas who were very happy to hear from me and couldn't wait to see me so it was decided they would come today when I had my day off. I had even introduced Christian to them over the phone and he had really wanted to meet them. He was not bothered that they were two men who were in a relationship.

"We only have one life to live Britondii. Why use it to please other people?" He had said.

I finished cleaning the small apartment that I had come furnished and
rushed to the single tiny bedroom to get my phone that was ringing. I had purchased it two days prior when I got my first pay check. It was just a simple smartphone. Christian who had come with me to purchase it wanted to get me a high end one but I refused. I could buy myself a simple phone and would not be greedy for an expensive one. By the time I had reached the phone it had stopped ringing. I looked at the time then checked to see who was calling. I smiled when I saw it was my friend Christian. Although it was not yet 9 , he was coming over to help me "cook up a storm" for John and Lucas. I quickly called him back.

"Hey Chris " I used my nickname for him.
"Hey brat I'm in a bit of a trouble " he used the nickname he made up for me a few days ago as I was "disobedient" for refusing to let him teach me how to drive so he could buy me a car that I wouldn't have to take a cab to work. I asked him if it was not too soon to take such a huge step and we had just become friends. "I have money and even though we have known each other for a short time, we have become such good friends. So no time is too soon brat " he had said. That was the first time he used the nickname.

"Are you ok? Is Richard not with you? What's wrong?" I rambled worriedly. My heart was thumping madly and unpleasant scenarios playing out in my head.

His deep rich chuckle broke the images from my thoughts.
"Im alright brat and yes Richard is here with me. Its just that I'm in the supermarket and I'm not sure which flavor ice cream to get for John and Lucas. I wanted to get all the flavors Yea. But decided that was a bit extreme." He said.

I was my turn to laugh. This man was just too much sometimes.
"Just only a little extreme Chris?" I laughed.

"Brat" he grumbled and I imagined him pouting. He does that a lot. He was just too sweet.
"They like chocolate so get that" I said. We exchanged a few more words and hung up.

I was laying down on the couch Christian had gifted me and playing TempleRunOz on my phone when a triple knock sounded on the door. I instantly knew it was Christian not only because he was the only one who visited me but also because that was his way of knocking. A triple knock every few seconds.

"Coming Chris" I shouted and ran to the door I opened the door and saw Christian and Richard standing outside it. I gasped at the amount of bags they carried. Richard nodded and Christian greeted me with a " move best" lightly pushing me out of the way with his shoulder. When he had gone into the kitchen I asked Richard if he would like to come in.

"No " he answered gruffly. That was expected I had asked him several times before today and had gotten the same answer. The man was as dark as night.

I shook my head and closed the door meeting Christian in the living room . He was going to get the rest of the bags from Richard.

"Brat" he bounced me and I his shoulder.


"Oh no you didn't boy" I screamed when Christian dusted a handful of flour on my head.

I took up a cupful of flour and walked menacingly over to him.

He looked as if he was about to run but I threw the flour on him and ran a it out of the kitchen and ran inside my bedroom.

"Brat you will regret this he shouted as I slammed the room door shut.

"Oh Britondii I'm dying " he shouted. As if I would fall for that.

The place became so quiet I wondered if he really had died. I opened the door to see if he was ok but just as I did a bag of flour was emptied on my head.

I literally didn't see that coming.

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